Jungle hunter 87 skin

The jungle hunter 87 skin has a see threw hole at the top of his neck brace. Most noticeable on the menu screen.

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Hope they fix that

yep, replying for visibility.

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Also maybe, a slight bug to fix would be the energy ressources he has ? WHY does the Jungle Hunter 1987 have 3x LESS ENERGY THAN THE BASIC HUNTER ?


Daaaaaaaamn y’all still use BlackBerrys in India though?

He’s a cryptosecurity god looking down on your pitiful IP address with disdain. Plus he’s calling out Sir Charles with unforeseen accuracy and precision; if he actually tagged courier he’d be the best poster on this forum. As is I give him a solid 3rd coz Drakos is my favourite and you gotta rank Deadeye at 2 for temporary impact.

Copypasta for every future '87 thread.