Just get rid of auto aim

It does if you connect controller only. Ask Hanzo and Slash, I’ve seen them both shooting totally invisible Preds. They just need to point at the direction of the clicking and aim assist will auto lock on the Pred.

I don’t play on a controller and I don’t have one.

The amount of fake posts on this forum is staggering…thank FromTheHood and Scarface_1983, Weevo540, Madisyn_Skye…and others for having the time and patience for thinking deeply about a topic that does not exist. They simply have no job…no spouse…friends…life…no hobbies…oneday they will have no parents, or persons to call mom or dad, sister brothers, etc…good day.
But YautjaSymb made this post for the 100 views because he thinks he will have a thriving youbube channel so that he can sucker people with a fake voice.

…why am I in that list.

But this game isn’t programed for controller only, you can play with controller and km simultaneously. So how is aim assist supposed to kick in when you can basically play with whatever you want at the same time?

On games like Warzone you have to choose either controller or km, you can’t do both simultaneously.

I’ll ask Hanzo what he has plugged in when he plays PHG. But I know for sure that he and Slash have aim assist in PHG, works both on FT and Pred. I’ve seen them shooting totally invisible Pred, there was no blood, no footsteps, only clicking. Slash was even laughing when he shot totally invisible Pred on the Airstrip (roof), I was there with him, none of us knew where the Pred was, all we heard was clicking and we knew where the clicking was coming from.

From what Hanzo told me, he aims at the direction where the clicking is coming and crosshair auto locks at one spot (Pred) and he shoots.

I do. And it still feels very minimal to me. Or it does because I don’t pay much attention to it.
Mostly though because I don’t care if I notice it or not.

I’ve actually started to notice it a lot more in the last few days, but its not like, a constant thing, you easily forget its there until it happens. I wish it was more improved for console, I know, GIT GUD, but it would help for a lot of causal and newer players, and force overly confident Pred players to get better.

That’s not 100% true.
Yes, we don’t get universal Aim Assist like Console players, but the NRV E-Scope and the Plasma Rifle got Aim Assist.
That’s also why you will never be able to hit a leaping Pred with the Plasma rifle.