Leaked fortnite pred skins

You missed my key word of “more” in my sentence lol

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You also left out the Part were 5 year olds will say “Is that the Predator monster from Forknight”



noooooooo this is the worst timeline. I’d take an XK class end of the world scenario compared to this.

Here is some Gonk Droid to heal your soul after seeing this:


The picture got zero likes…hmmmmm lmfaio

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There needs to be a new dislike button
But only for the Forknight posts


I mean the first one looks great. Not a fortnite fan but credit where it’s due

So out of curiosity why is fortnite so bad? From what I see it’s just a BR with a cartoonish aesthetic.


It’s not the genre of gameplay or the art style.

In my opinion it’s the toxic player, the stupid ass dance emojis, it’s filled with toxic children, and the micro transactions.

Now some other people might have other issues but these are issues I can think of.


I can agree on the micro transactions I’m not sure if they ever changed them since I ever played but as for the community it’s mainly just stupid kids and you tubers. As far as toxicity goes it’s pretty much the same as any other multiplayer game, hell on this game you had someone threaten to rape peoples families so it can’t be that bad.


Yeah we can never truly get away from toxicity

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Just… Awful…


I don’t think it is legit, if it is Probably a move by Disney. I say this with how a lot of Marvel and Star War skins are now making way into game.

ok just for ya know guys none of those skin are actually “official” the second one is a guy who have basicly fucking modded the gladiator skin, the first one i’m not sure but a lot of people are calling that a scam, so DONT jump on conclusion, fortnite always have gived us quality skin, i’m sure that those two are going to be better than those

I play Fortnite for the meme, but even I know that while the JH Skin is pretty convincing, it’s still fake asf.

I’m still betting that Predator’s related to the Battle Pass since a whole section is closed off and is yet to be revealed, which is pretty much a whole set of items related to a character/skin.

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Sin falsos! Sera un predator con doble garras como Wolverine más a parte las armas.

It threw away its original tower defense concept in a hail mary to copy PUBG to cash in on soulless battle royale clone hype because PUBG was big at the time. And created the battle royale clone genre and rotating cosmetic markets that plagued a lot of shooters for awhile but now seems to be finally dying out en masse. Other than Apex but thats made by devs that actually know how to make a shooter with fun gunplay.

Now fortnite’s soullessly making deals with IPs to maintain interest in playing the same F2P BR over and over hoping kids buy skins and EPIC dances because they have no concept of money. Its really just the combination of all this and the post-ironic flossing dabbing pop culture shit.


You said it perfectly

Screen Shot 2021-01-03 at 11.53.28 PM

Thats it, I’m getting the Youngling Slayer 9000 out for this.


The problem is that it isn’t fun. It feels like work. Like I should have been compensated for my trouble. I played it at the begging of a friend who liked it. Played 2 matches. Uninstalled it immediately after.