Let's recommend some good anime

It’s supposed to just be comedic, but I know a lot of ppl dont like it lol.

As for loli bullshit, i dont think I saw any in food wars, if you mean in anime in general, then ya some have lolis.

But the comedic light hearted ones arent bad, some of them.
Theres nothing sexual it’s all just comedy.

But thats what makes it great!

Lol if you watched the old school original from the 90’s you would have watched the fuck out of baki lol

The fact that a guy has the finger strength to rip a person face off is fucking great.

Or the a dude is so strong he just eats a bullet like it’s nothing

Lmfao xD.

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Devil Hunter Yoko

Guyver : Bio Booster Armor

There is a actually a “loli” in Food Wars and she’s one of the teachers, but she’s barley on screen.

Seriously I mainly remember how bad ass the main character is and that the food looks good as hell and I’d love to try the non sea food recipes.

Dude I almost forgot about guyver.
Fkn lover that one.

She was the Spice teacher

Food always looks good in anime, but Food Wars food is beyond S tear

Corey in the house

I knew someone was going to recommend that eventually

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The spice teacher?
Aww hell no I dont remember her being a loli.

The one who worked with the Indian kid I think it was?
I’d have to rematch it

Yeah I suppose I should recommend something better

So in that case go watch Shrek you degenerates and rid yourself of the filth that is anime!

Oh you are fucking dead to me.
I used to think you were cool.

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Interspecies Reviewers

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Shrek is good but I also like anime


Yes her
She wasn’t the exaggerated kind of loli but she’s still technically a loli

Anime is art and is not filth


I only liked the first 2 Shrek movies