Limit predator spot.

This is becoming more of an exploit and almost hackish when there a PC premades. I cand stand cloaked in a tree motionless and spotted spotted spotted spotted spam permanently with no cooldown or anything it isnt possible to do this naturally as it NEVER happens with ps4 players so there is some wallhacks or aimbotting going on and a cooldown on the predator spot would reduce this problem

Get good git

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Hes not wrong tho.


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The tracker perk shouldn’t exist in the first place or it should be severely nerfed.


Spotting is next level trash and should never have been a thing. Fucking green highlight and wall hack AND makes the pred slower. Fuck off with that


Nah fuck you get good.
In your case it should always cause a random bug when you get spotted lol.

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With no ability to actively report people in this game, people will just use what they can to win.

Sorta sad. Even when I use PDL on owlf with an ammo bag and gear head, it’s just so distasteful and don’t really enjoy doing it.

Don’t get why people love to relentlessly spot the pred and chase till they are done or rage quit. Basically pushing away players to want to play with you.

Shit like 1 hit axes is directly caused by this.

@BHAZEY best thing you can do is keep an eye out for players that constantly do this and just quit right when you see them in lobby.

Wish you all the best on the hunt and here’s to hoping our Yautja game doesn’t get the RED DEAD 2 treatment…

Players within the community became so toxic due to a “content and update drought”, they just pulled the plug on the servers because players would just fuck with the game.

This game is no different.

Would hate to see that happen to this game.


And there’s your answer. Since 3 weeks after the release of this game, when i started playing it, i’ve been able to tell that PS players have a really hard time playing this game against PC players, because M&K is far more superior to a controller for gaming 1st person shooters, same with the hardware and software.

If you’d post a videoclip of your encounter with these PC players then i think many of us could tell mistake after mistake you’d make from the second you’d get within 100m of the Fireteam(If they have brains will say, some PC players are potatoes too).

I remember how fun we had at this streamer, whom i wont mention, who only plays as Predator, would rage and accuse PC players for cheating. All this because he had no idea of what a well coordinated Fireteam with voice communication is capable of doing, he was so used to fighting random potatoes in public hunt matches.

This is almost always the case when somebody starts a thread like this one.
Learn to play the game, learn it’s mechanics, learn from your mistakes, how fast you might die in a match against a premade there is always something you can learn from it if you can just be a little self-critical.


The problem is, some people only play as Pred and have no clue how the other side works.

Also playing against random potatoes 95% of the matches doesn’t help.



Git gud

I asked for 15 seconds successful spot cool down an year ago and some players raged about such change.

I agree it is an issue, but how often you play such team? I would say once per 20 games? Let them enjoy way they play. You will enjoy all those remaining 19 games :)

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Basically, if you’re shit at this game, or any other pvp game, and don’t know how to approach a good Fireteam then you’ll go down the shit drain too.
It’s not rocket science, it’s what puts good players on one side and arrogant and bad players on the other.


My SWB2 training rlly came in handy with this game, especially with 1v1 duels as both pred and fireteam

This is how 95% of the PS Predators are approaching Fireteams, because it works against other PS Fireteams i guess, casual players, sitting back in their couch, smoking weed or i don’t know, not being observant at all to movements or sounds.


And others don’t know what to do if they get spotted, some might think it’s a great idea to stand 20m away from the Fireteam beside a tree trunk, standing there right in the open and waiting to get shot at and then accuse them for cheating. :D

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FairYautja being cyberbullied with tracker

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“Hehehe…that’s really nice!”


Man we literally can’t post on someone’s thread without dragging someone else through it?

You know, what happened to the good old saying of?

“Don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it at all”.
