Look at these liars

Liars liars liars. Free speech my Thread topics are protected!

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The update still tomorrow

where is the surprise, the update. that was an advance of things very good congratulations.

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thunder cattttttt dont get bannnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeed

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We don’t know that though. And it’s very unlikely.

How. If they ban me they are denying my free speech nothing un true has been said! Im just mud slinging


idk i feel bad for hamlet lmfao… for like getting hate on him cause of devs n shit being lazy or messing calculations XD

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Yeah , I back this . Its not on helmet

he was probs like… ah shit here we go again… taking blame for these cuck lords XD


Bro, chill out, I know you are all disappointed (I’m not, quz I was not waiting for it XDDDDD) but don’t provoke them - I was banned for a week when I opened a similar thread that was just closed

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Free speech only applies to government: You can’t be arrested for what you say and I’m not calling the cops on you. But I can ask you to keep the conversation to one thread. Please be respectful of that. Keep the chaos to one place please. If not, then I can and will take measures to keep things orderly.
