lot of difference between 87 and 1987 jungle hunter.l et's get into

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Every time I see these stupid threads I get more and more pissed at how absurd people can be. I get it you want this exclusive class but you didn’t by whatever unfortunate event within the 5-month time frame well that’s on you. I mean just look at how ridiculous and just downright slimy some of these “solutions” (workarounds) are, make the crucified pred who is just a carbon copy of JH with some tiny differences, add the 1987 JH as opposed to the in game 87 JH (same fucking thing btw) with the main difference being hurr durr this one has an unusable knife on his leg but that one doesn’t so that’s totally a different character.

Smh my sympathies only go out to those who did preorder but suffered some technical glitch in the process that did not allow them to claim it everyone else tough titties you get the elder who was put in because he’s Illfonics solution to giving everyone JH without actually doing so. I mean come on JH and Elder are nearly identical but Elder has better stats, why would people want 3,4, 5 carbon copies of JHs littering the game.



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I literally am not able to comprehend what you are attempting to say.

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I feel like this awful thread is giving me aids

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There is no twin brother. What.

No bro…just accept you’ll never have him and swallow that pill and or load whatever you like and live your life after doing so


Understand this you will never have the privilege of having the jungle hunter and your dumb work around will never be added. So from this moment on in my eyes you are deemed a heretic


Something I don’t get about these threads is that as Hunting Grounds has developed, you can make a stand-in.

The Jungle Hunter helmet can be acquired by the field lockers (which are free btw, no real money involved). And if that wasn’t enough you get the Elder’s helmet which is nearly identical and the Elder itself which looks very much close to Jungle Hunter (the real thing was even built on one). Even if you don’t have Jungle Hunter, you have more than enough to make a stand-in.

And even then since we aren’t going to have it release to the masses, why not campaign for a similar Predator? Viper has enough differences as well as Ahab. Crucified is walking a tight rope but it’s still doable since it would need a remodel. Why not ask for something like that than something you know Illfonic wont hand out?


Because they hate exclusives.

Even though the game was exclusive to playstation at one point but they hate exclusive skins 😂😂 that makes me laugh.


Maybe the pre-order exclusive was actually for jungle hunter 1887, it’s just that they happen to both look the same. So now Illfonic are free to release jungle hunter 1987 to all. Haha

This idea is really cute come back when you got your big boy pants on and we I will go into detail why this is so very stupid

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Was that to me?
If it was, I was kidding…

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No it was to the OP

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