Low graphics+sniper abusing

Ya. The other thing is that I think people who play a lot have their eyes ‘trained’ and might be able to see small graphical ripples. Lots of vids that I watch I’m amazed that pred can see FT hiding or running in the distance, but to attained eye it’s like night and day. I admit that lower graphics is an advantage, but I’m still not convinced that it’s the difference between winning/losing in most matches

They should just remove graphic settings, like why is that a thing anyway on a purely multiplayer game? If you’re PC cant handle it, tough shit, thats why games have specs.

We shouldnt have to suffer for the slowest kids in the class. Get rid of graphics options, bump it all the way up and issue solved.

I think it’s a bit harsh. I’d assume it’s a small minority that cheat. While this has to addressed, I don’t want the people who must play at lower setting to not be able to play.

Shit no wonder I can’t play stealth against pc teams

is not about “your PC can’t handle it” is that the game is so poorly optimized that even an RTX Titan cannot play this game at the desired Frame Rate.

Console players are used to lower frame rates. That’s the price you pay for playing in a console. However, even on the console this game suffers and frame rates drop to unplayable rates. Why ask that players be punished with poor performance instead of asking devs to fix the damn game and make it perform as it needs to?

As a side note, it has been analyzed with video footage and console graphics settings are comparable to PC on Medium settings with “View Distance” set on LOW.

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Now when it comes to color and video, there are several things here to take in account.

First of all older consumer TV’s do not support 4:4:4 chroma subsampling. All Computer monitors do.

Then you have the color dynamic range. TV’s have a limited dynamic range (16-235) while computer monitors have a full range (0-255). This translates to much better contrast ratios, aka. brighter whites and darker blacks.

These things are not “cheating”, nor problems of the dev team. They are just limitations of the equipment you use to game on.

You have an option, though. If you feel you are at a disadvantage against other players because you are limited by the technology you choose to play on, simply turn crossplay off and be done with it.

It would be the same on high graphics!

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On Derailed, cloak doesnt work often, in terms thatvI sometimes see a Pred like a brownish figure when he’s moving in mud. Its just how the cloak works, it’s absorbing its background and I’m playing on medium-high settings, draw distance being on Ultra.

But ye, potato settings help alot from what I’ve seen from some russian teams.

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potato settings just help because they boost FPS to optimum levels (60 because not even an RTX Titan will run this game at stable 144FPS)

Stable FPS are essential for any shooter game. Is not about foliage or any other graphic stuff

I agree, we should not not suffer the slowest kids in the class. Ban all PS players in this game since they have worse setting then PC players on max!
PS players decided to buy the PS, PC players got the superior machine (see, following your logic). Now stop crying and go buy a PC! Nobody forced you to buy a PS, just like nobody is forcing PS players not to buy MK combo and then complain that its not fair when they use the controllers.

I’m a FT main since launch that plays with @JelouGaming frequently.

You can easily see and shoot preds from across the map on the highest graphics settings too. Would it be any more “fair” or “fun” for preds if PC players with $4000 gaming rigs were demolishing preds across the maps using sniper rifles?

What needs to be done is to have at a certain distance, cloaked predators be totally invisible. If a predator is cloaked and something like 200, 250 meters out, it shouldn’t matter if the pred is moving, it should be completely invisible. Give the preds that run before second wind a chance to get away, heal, and come in again from another angle.


If they do that I expect whatever ranged weapons they are shooting to also stop doing damage at that distance. If they do that I would be perfectly fine with it.

yes, but on low graphics he’s more visible on distance. There is no shadows on leafs so you can see predator much better because he has much contrast than trees

I’ve played a few games out of curiosity some time back to test it out and I noticed no difference, the difference must be really small. The only think I noticed where the toilet graphics. The vast majority of people are not playing like that, you can be sure of it. If this was a competitive game that had actual rewards… Yeah… Perhaps but as it is…

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Even if you have the proper specs (wrote in the game) the frame rate will be so bad. This game is only playable for people with RTX at epic and cinematic settings, and below 60 frames of course. Ar medium settings with a 1060 you struggle to gain 60 frame during AI fights.