Make Jungle Hunter available for everyone!

“Come the Fuck on” 😂

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😂 i just had to



I want to see more space tits

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Just going to put this here for no reason
JH87’s Armor for everyone

He is op


“Come on out mother fucker!”
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Oh come on FOH.

What I loved about that game as pred was using the mimicry to lure out one of the marines and the voice line would be this unintelligible garbled noise that seemed like it was struggling to say “over here” in the most nonhuman way possible and the marine would be like “…okay”.

The responses you get from the marines were always hilarious.
I wish PHG mimic wheel was literally just a taunt wheel for Predators to use and customize

How the Mighty have Fallen.

This post has placed enough cringe into my system to make me yearn of older, better times.

Had to fulfill a bet.

Also Avp2 was soo good.

I wish I could have played it
But I at least played AVP 2010 and Predator Concrete Jungle

A fan actually made a recent version that works with modern pcs and has a active multiplayer mode gimme sec Ill give you the link.

I don’t have a PC unfortunately
Although I do appreciate the consideration

Np ill still leave it here for other people as well.

Hell make a separate topic for it
So that way people could just go to that instead of digging it up in a “Give me JH87’” post lol

Give me JH87

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