Markers on the Map.

Today, when we are in the middle of a match, it is very frustrating when we need a medical kit, or ammo kits, and we can’t find them on the map.
We could have a Marker that would be indicating the Exact Position on the Map, for us and for the other FT Members.

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Bring ammo or med kits 👍

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It’s RNG and destructible by pred for a reason. You aren’t guaranteed heals and ammo.
Bring the stuff yourself or take a UAV.

Same for people that are bad at finding and contesting pigs.
Take large pouch and medkits.

Be a nice addition as long as the game balances around this. At the moment though no.

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The real idea would be to avoid taking ammo kit and medical kit.

They are two items that have weight 5.

This would help a lot, as Medical Kits Totally Restore Health. And Ammo kits, in addition to Completing Ammo, add more Grenades as well.

But the Medical Kits and Ammo Kits carried in the Backpacks do not do that.

It would help the entire team.

So the whole match without actually finding the box or automatically pinged once you land?

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Do you want all the med kits and ammo boxes pinged right when you land?

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Why does the team need MORE help?

There is first aid kits that are nearly always in certain locations.

You have gadgets that can locate them in your vicinity which only a teamate needs to bring. So you don’t have too.

Ammo n med bags, which only a teammate needs to bring. So you don’t have too.

You have medical syringe which practically restores all you health.

You get back ALL your gear when you get reinforced

You very often find med n ammo on the way too or at objectives. Which you or a teamate can spot and will be tagged on your map (when it works).

What you suggest is basically hand holding for the FT. They don’t need it and I think it would be take away from the limited suspense this game already has.

Why stop there? Have the predator permanently tagged cuz he can turn invisible.

Why not have all the pigs on the map tagged for the predator? They are little buggers to catch when they get going.

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Some people like to have their hand held in games. Because they suck. Have no environmental awareness. And still want to be spoon fed like a baby because figuring shit out and using that central processing unit called a brain “is just too hard”.


Red Map, Red FT, Red Grenades, and RED BOARS?
We talked about this a little bit over here

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So tagging them with a ping is tp hard for you

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Ooffff lol.

download (2)

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To be honest this thread just needs to be trolled out of existence.

My thoughts as well. Shall I summon the trolls my lord?


Yes do it

I was summoned

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Yes you have. The OP has committed the most Dreadful of all the gaming sins. He wants his hand to be held so tight that there is no sense of danger or fun