medic helmet or class


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It does, because you have to analyze things in context.

The opening post is about cosmetics.
He even recognizes there are other classes out there that perform this duty, but he wishes they at least had the option to have these cosmetics.

C’mon… it aint that complicated

The irony of talking about context and ignoring that he asked for a medic class twice.

I dont know what your stake in all this is.

No one argued or was against the cosmetics.
I think only two people mentioned that feild medic already existed, and given the state of the game, any other medic class for ft would be overkill.

You’re arguing something so minuscule that is pretty irrelevant given the situation that I’m just confused as to what you want.

Do you want to be right that badly?
Do you need validation?


There ya go

he asked for a class if not given the cosmetics alternatives, get it?

and is fairly easy to understand the only reason he is asked for a medic class is for pure cosmetics, given the fact that he acknowledged Dante has this capability

Going by the original post, that’s purely speculation on your part.
Not once did he mention a new class purely for cosmetics.

Is called context

It’s called speculation.
You’re out of order.




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literally in the title of the topic

Please quote said title for the court.


I think as initially stated it is ambiguous. I would say the best interpretation would be as you put it, but there is still uncertainty.

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Your sexuality is ambiguous.

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Not a bisexual, but maybe a bit bicurious.

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