Mega Millions - Over one billion dollars Jackpot

After star wars and jurassic park I’m not feeling very confident in nostalgiabait

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Varied opinions aside about the films, the fact remains that they DID make an assload of money. Predator is a rather niche franchise though, unlike those two, so I can see your point.

The sequels just need to be non canon and as for Jurassic eh I though the 1st jw was alright but the last 2 weren’t great. The 1st trilogy was way better

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Which begs the question why they put prey on hulu to boost their subscriptions

literally what movies are on hulu?
nicolas cage’s Pig? I would say Shape of Water but that got a theatrical release.

Hulu is just where obscure shit & film festival content goes to die, I don’t think they’re expecting a boost in subs. just ppl autoplaying movies in their living room, aka hulus target audience

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Lotteries are like gachapons. Scam and full of lies

The tapes were nice to listen too. Id love to see the action hero fight the Pred again. Ends with Dutch being played with by the Pred before dying like in the original but Dutch is badly hurt and cant go on so he activates a self destruct bomb that takes out the Pred and himself.

I think marvel owns the predator ip now, not sure thought.

at this rate The Predator wouldve gotten a standing ovation had cgi ghost arnie stepped out of that silly pod at the end

let him die ppl

I don’t know man, they did develope this game to have PC players score big everynight on potatoe dinners . So…why bring the balance? I mean…who cares?
PS players spent 500$ junky dollar which they will never get back, PC players spent $7000

but no…1 billion dollars and I would probably make stupid shitty meme films. so no.

Actually there was my Planet of the apes treatment…

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The director himself came out and said it was made for cinema, but disney wanted to boost hulu subscriptions

You wouldn’t hire Arnold “fuck your freedoms” Schwarzenegger?

You’re not wrong. I haven’t played the lottery yet, and I’m in my mid thirties. This would be the one to play, wouldn’t it. 🤔

However, like @Ahab said, with such a small chance of winning, does it make sense to invest any emotion into something that is almost guaranteed not to happen to me. 🤔

I don’t invest emotion on it. For me is just like a beer or a pack of smokes. I don’t even think about it. Maybe I win the jackpot, maybe I get lung cancer. Who knows? LoL

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sounds like a cope after that shitty cgi bear

And I thought dan akroyd as yogi bear was bad 😆

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Oh… I thought the bear looked good. Does it look worse in the actual movie?

There is also the additional appeal of not paying movie theaters extra millions to have their films shown too. Maximizing profits is the main goal of capitalism after all…

Someone already won the One billion jackpot, I just hope all goes well for that person as money brought ruin to many people who won lotteries before. Money doesn’t buy happiness after all, just makes some aspects of life easier.

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Do you know who says that? Broke assholes like me 😫

If you are going to walk on ice , you might as well dance

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