Megatron & Optimus Prime Builds Make Gamers Rage (Sub Build)


After those police men arrested me, I used the roofies in my prison wallet to fake my death, heheee~. I escaped while in transport to the mmmMmmMm morgue when the car passed a grade school, silly!


Why with the kinky
Honestly, you didn’t strike me as the BDSM type.

Amateur. REAL pros don’t fake death, they fake the symptoms of death. Floor polish generally does the trick, stops that pesky pulse and begins rigor mortis, decomposition etc. but luckily it wears off after a while. I still keep a bottle of floor polish in my jacket in case I need to die on the fly.

Moptimus prime


Nah nah~ only to help me sleep – it helps elicit some surreal dreams dude. Definitely recommend trying it out at least once.

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I think I’ll stick to the mushrooms for that XD
Hey, ya never know. One day I may just be bored enough to try it lol