mith is the champion once again

Maybe you can shareplay then
Or I leave and cry

I know a potato predator that I done optional mission against him long time ago with some wired loadouts

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I pour milk before the cereal

weird loadouts? as in non meta? 😲 @CHUCK_YT will love it

Me too

It was not a loadout I would use. It would still be meta because it had hammerhead.

I said we lost that match because of me. Because we did.
I didn’t cry nor did I care he uploaded it. What’s the big deal about it?

@Mith is this you against the frogs?

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only @CHUCK_YT decides what is meta

Just for context I wasn’t partied with Hero’s team that game. It was a public match and I was a random. But I have played with him and his team on multiple occasions. Nice people!



that’s what they all say when medic team doesn’t work in private 😢

That wasn’t a private match that’s a public match. It’s even on YouTube… and like I said I was the random. In the video you can hear me say add me to your voice chat in the beginning.
I told them to play in private and WITHOUT support medics. We lost 2 games. One onskie had invisible bug which is on YouTube from DM’s POV. The other we just lost.
DM and Scrappy aren’t Bandido and Sturmi.

If it was my team do you think Onskie would win a match?

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Last I remember and correct me if I’m wrong. Didn’t YOUR team demand they have a support FM?



Now you have to sign over all ownership rights of Celltech to @Mith

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Im like 15-1 vs Mith.

Here’s the thing about playing Snake.

If you beat him no one gives a shit.
If he loses he doesn’t give a shit.
If he wins he puts you on YouTube.

He has nothing to lose only the FT.
If you play him in private, play him hard.


that was your team back then along with Notorious and Harry you also played with, another medic team. That is all you used to play, as medic teams but moaned if anyone else used one, how dare you criticize Field Medics. The Hypocrisy! yes my team used to use a medic the same way when you played back then you played with 2 or 3 medics, depending on the team you were playing with.

;) lol

get over it, fuck the game. All of us went back to rl


Honestly clutch, no one gives a shit about the result of any match involving this game.

Even the tournament that was held in year I think, both one actually gave a shit, because of the restrictions.

You guys sweat over a single loss for no reason.
You don’t seem to care too much, just somewhat annoyed.

This game doesn’t matter.

More importantly is just tryna make sure everyone’s having fun joking around and not starting drama over bullshit.