Nerf berserker please

Though remember when Jason got heavily nerfed? I have never seen Jason voorhes running from death, but people started to leave the game and illfonic decided to make him op again and they did, predator needs a buff and Fast. I have never seen predator running from death until i played this game lol, avp 2010 predator was freaking op as hell.



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The past few games it’s me getting hunted by the fireteam all with knifes, and they literally as fast as the Predator you can’t lose them it’s crazy, when they kill me all 4 are tbaggin me , great fun, doesn’t help when I try to jump over something I jump up a tree I didn’t want to, the resurrection needs to go

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I reached level 100, and only 4 matches played as the predator why??

Because he sucks and trash to play as. He getting toasted every match, i could swear that i got destroyed under a minute man. And all of them used grenade launchers together

Second is because the stupid long time queues as the predator. 20 minutes to play as this weak killer, fireteam is the only thing why i reached level 100 so fast.

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Oh man… play as the predator request some strategy skill… is not so heasy… but lose using the fireteam and asking for a nerf of a predator that finally can win… people now see the normality in the fireteam supremacy and think that if they lose is something strange… human vs pred mean human death ,if it is not… there something wrong …

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Exactly, the predator should easily win even without strategies. This is stupid.

“Nerf predator!”

Lol just do this 5head

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Thank you so much for proving me right brother. Now tell 'em my G… if you played the trial, the predator wasn’t that weak right??

That’s the shitty part. I only play Pred a couple of times a day because it sucks so fucking much…
90% of my games are as Fireteam because playing fireteam is fun and so much easier…

Dont get me wrong, i WANT to play as the Predator, but I’m not going to bother until i unlock the Berserker because the other two classes are a fucking dumpster fire.

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Nah he wasn’t.

Still killable, but he was certainly feared more than he is now.

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The berserker is literally weak as well, a little bit stronger but no way to survive a 4 snipers or grenade launchers or even knifes. Death is coming his way too. Illfonic should make some serious change about the predator.

I used berserker+combistick+fearless perk which is an op build according to the stupid people which kept saying nerf him, and i got destroyed.

In my first day ever, i unlocked the trophy for securing the predator body lol. And even defused the self destruct like 20 times.

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I knew it. They ruined their chance. Because people cry like bitches here in the forums.

You sound dumb af calling people losers this is a site where people post ideas and opinions don’t act like your the smartest guy here when your clearly not. I’m already Level 100 and played both predator and fireteam and tbh berserker needs a speed nerf. His damage is fine but for him to have no speed and have the ability to catch up to a scout with double time defeats the purpose of having stats on classes.

You used the wrong your. Lmao and how is the berserker speed like the scout?? He clearly is not. And when he climb the trees he is very slow. And when he hits with a weapon he is much slower than the scout. You are even more dumber than that guy above!! I used both the scout and the berseker and the scout is much faster, and the berserker stamina is trash, do your homework before spreading bullshit in here. The berserker needs a speed perks to make him a bit faster but still is not comparable to either the scout or the fireteam, because the minute berserker enters the second wind the entire team will follow him and boom you’re as good as dead. The scout will 100% survive his second wind ability.

Doesn’t need a nerf.

Coming from another level 100 player (since somehow that elevates your opinion to be more important) there really isn’t any need.

Even if they did, nobody would pick the scout class because it’s too easy to die.

If you want to slow him down, he’ll need a large health boost to make him a tank, you’ll then have to buff the other class health to reflect this.


The stats are relative to the other a Predator classes. I don’t think you’re supposed to compare the human class stats yo the Pred Stats(or vice versa)…

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I never understood why people keep telling us their levels like it fucking matters…

You get EXP for playing in a match at all. Sure you get more for doing good, but a level 100 player could have got their entirely on participation points or on the backs of better players(as three good fireteam players can carry one shitty one)… lol

Oh shit a grammar nazi lmfao stfu you just run your mouth and have no clue what your talking about if you are bitching about it that much go play DBD you fucking crybaby. Learn to play the game or don’t play at all.

Literally I levelled up my last 20 levels by playing in private matches

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Good for you. You want a cookie?