Nerf berserker please

Pred is strong, but not OP. I do actually agree the Zerker is a tad spongy. Not ridiculously so, but the Hunter can melee pretty easily now and the Zerker is in theory tougher than that. I’d be in favor of dialing back the Zerker and the Hunter just a little to distinguish playstyle, but not to pre-buff stats) only because I don’t want the devs to rely on parry to create balance.

I’ve played both the Hunter and Zerker a few times post-patch and I think the Hunter feels pretty good. Honestly I feel like I can probably be bolder than I should be able to in melee, while I feel the Zerker is kinda borderline.

I’d like parry nerfed with higher stamina cost, damage resist rolled back just slightly on the Hunter, more so on the Zerker, but up the melee damage just a bit. Then, the Pred is still tough but has to be smart. When he rushes in, the added damage means that everyone has to be on it. High stamina cost means every parry better count and the Pred’s slightly reduced TTK means your fireteam better move their ass to help you out.

Personal feelings.

If anything the devs should ignore this entire forum for another few weeks so the game’s been out a month and then people can really try and form an opinion. Only thing that should really work on is getting it so more people can get a shot at playing Predator so people can make more informed suggestions about balance.

oh for goodness sake. dial them back? me and my team mate their was just 2 of us. and we steam rolled 2 predators 2 games in a row tried to zerg and got wrecked. i dont see why they need “dialing back” predators underpowered if anything and by no means to be feared or worried about. that doesnt make much sense the parry to be nerfed when the preds constantly trying to zerg you with no counter

Yeah, at this point they should make small balance tweaks here and there, but the next couple patches should be primarily Bug fixes and optimization…

(This post is inly the opinion of the poster and no one else. The views expressed in this opst do not reflect those of @Sharpy_47.)

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I get what you are trying to get at but hunter doesn’t need any roll backs. You still take decent dmg fighting one person while killing them with melee. I think this last patch was a step in the right direction with buffs and nerfs. Hopefully they keep at it this way. I want a balanced game not a hack n slash. Its more fun harassing the FT from afar now and making them waste their hp kits and ammo. If any change should be made i would say up scout hp just a bit because as it goes right now if yoi go in for a claim your still losing at minimum a quarter of health. So either increase its hp or slightly increase scouts dmg resistance.

I think they need to wait a little bit to make any changes. With any balance patch there’s already a first impression but that can change in most cases. Obviously if there’s something obviously broken it needs to be fixed ASAP. But sometimes you have to let things work out and find if somethings actually op or you just need to learn and adapt which is a process but is doable.

Speaking of forum topics that are hogwash. :/

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A good fireteam can easily kill him

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I see your exhasperation and raise my own. Sweet Jimminy Chrismas! Calm down. Yes. You heard me correctly. Dial them back. I think I even used words like “slightly” to indicate how little of a change was needed.

So you want to be able to counter the Zerg rush or nah? I can’t tell. You want parry, but you want the Zerg stronger…so what…you want the Zerker to just rush in and start spamming melee endlessly while the fireteam just parrys endlessly while his teammates unload bullets into an un-killable Pred? …sounds great…

No. Nerf parry so you can only rely on it it maybe one or twice before running dry on stamina, make the Zerker a touch more vulnerable. Pred has to pick engagements in order to succeed. Not just win a battle of endurance against an endlessly parrying fireteam. You counter the Predator by staying together as a team, communicating and calling out for help when you need it. Pushing in back with coordinated fire. Parry should never be spamable.

Hunter is in great shape for melee. Even playing stupidly I can rush in taking fire and get a down/claim without losing more than maybe a third of my hit points. Personally I think that’s kinda dumb. PLaying that stupid should have consequences. When I’m smart I destroy. Zerker is even tougher than that and has stronger attacks. Yes. Tone him down. If your team of 2 rolled 2 Preds back to back, then your team played 2 really shitty Preds.

Also, if you where in a game with only 2 people, maybe the Pred was being nice? I waited so long for a match that when I got in a game with 2 I let them complete objectives, and just toyed with them. Could have killed them soooooo many times but didn’t. Just took caster shots. Ended up with more xp because of it. Lol, I wonder if they thought they were doing well on their own…

i didnt say that i wanted them stronger. its you who wants them dialing back and nerfed. my god man. they are weak as it is already lol. @Sciku here is literally new too this game and he was parrying the zerg every time and we wrecked him because of it. they are vulnerable if he gets parried can blast him to oblivion. on my own i killed the pred because he kept trying to zerg and he got fucked for it … dead.

we was together. thats the point of how we countered him. sure as hell doesnt need no nerfs. never should be spammable? so i suppose the pred zerging his way in should be then? and keep trying to do it relentlessly? the pred definitely wasnt being nice … lol. he got countered by parry constantly he was trying to end us. kill us but didnt pan out or go well for him. the only counter against a zerg is too parry. we cant control what the other team members do. luckily for us they stuck near by. but some didnt and it was a shit show depending. too many variables and bs i suppose

This needs to be called Fireteam hunting grounds, not predator, they are weak as shit. A lot of balancing needs to happen on both sides, do you know how easy it is to parry a zerk ? Do you know how easy it is to take down a zerk with a sniper and not move. Too easy, maybe some players are at fault, but fuck these preds are weak.

So again…what. do. you. want?

Zerker stronger? = more rushing
Zerker weaker = more tactical and can’t rush
Parry buffed = endless parry, no Pred melee
Parry nerfed = more tactical, more team reliant

Are you saying you’re happy right now being bale to roll the Pred with 2 people? I just don’t get what you’re sayin man, you’re all over the place.

no not stronger. but not nerfed how you want. i didnt say endless parry. leave it as it is … oh lord no pred melee. i dont mind the pred melee but he literally comes in to zerg on purpose and just combistick us to death. when you deal with that cant nerf the only thing that counters him come on now honestly.

damn right they are. and that was your first few hours experiencing it and all these people are like nerf beserker. and yeah it does pred needs buffs too you know this though lol

That’s why lowering his health slightly means he can’t just stupidly rush in. Look, I see what you’re saying but it’s my opinion that the Parry mechanic doesn’t feel good. And it has become the default for dealing with the Pred instead of teamwork. You said “We can’t control what other players do.” No, and it sucks when you’re down to 2 because the dildos on your team ran off and got killed. Or when they don’t pay attention. But that doesn’t mean the game should offer a mechanic that let’s you shut down the Pred so drastically. I still think the fireteam should be vulnerable to melee attacks. The parry should be there to prolong your life so the team can come to your aid. It shouldn’t be a way to solo the Pred. It’s not as bad as it was, but it still needs work. Just my opinion.

A couple things we can do to fix this issue without needing to touch much would be this.

Zerker = Slower, more stamina
FT = Lower stamina, Remove the stamina regen with sliding

For damage balancing I think outputs are fine as is right now.
If you want you could always add zerks to do heavier footsteps so we can hear and see him coming from further than let’s say a scout. Slower zerks also prevents him from just rushing all the time, more stamina counters the parry with a parry nerf.

Zerks aren’t really hard to deal with if you have 4 people standing, 3 shooting and 1 parrying the fuck out of him.

Then just play “Slightly” better… lol

(Disclaimer: the content of this post is not indicative of the thoughts or feelings of @Sharp_47)

we still used team work what are you even saying? the moment he parried i was lighting the pred up. he got a max of 2 parries and the pred was down and dead. some other times it was 3. max he was dead. your on about teamwork. it was team work i was less than five meters away sticking close because i knew the pred would zerg. seemss to be a common place thing. majority are fucking zerging. so tell me what else am i meant to do in that situation? well so the mechanic of the pred spamming that should shut us down with almost no counter? because the 2 plebs or clowns ran off. i did come to my team mates aid. anyway im bored of debating this now. going round in circles and its pointless going no where

Seems like all opinions about “Berserk is OP and nerf it” - opinion of noobs or PS4 players.