New cloak

Cant shoot what they cant see

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Yeah the new cloak is pretty much anti-roof-camping on Derailed now. When the Fireteam takes cover on the other side of the sloped roof you just move around shooting them from behind, rinse and repeat.

I actually believe that the Predator Scout class will make a comeback, doing pretty well with it now.


I have even been doing well with a mix zerker

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I mean its not only “anti roof” its anti tree too… as it’s supposed to… predator is suppose to be a lurker and a stalker type from any type of building at any distance.


Then say your tag funny guy. Tell me your id dumbass, I’ll be more than willing to record that game. If you take atleast 1 game outta 10 I’ll give u credit. Otherwise u are just a big forum mouth with no backing up for your statments. Either play us or stay bitch lol

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So angry. Could care less about your ego stroking self. Im too busy stoking my wife to engae you. But that’s something you will never know lol. Poor whittle virgin

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You say you know me so you know it

Premades or randoms, it doesn’t make any difference. Having the ability to not be seen at all beyond 50 meters is game changing.

Before 2.05 it was the Predator who had to adapt after how the Fireteam played, now the tables have turned, a little change is fun once in a while!


“Stoking wife”; “virgin”. Oh my! Can you think of something even more original than that? Perhaps a “your mom” insults? Cringefest at its finest lol

On the other hand - point proven. Neither you have ever faced us (since we havent lost to a SINGLE console pred except PC) and neither you will accept the challenge since we both know the outcome. Im sure you rather will stick playing tough clown in the forums, than getting exposed on the video by getting melted 10-0.

Aight lol

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Liar I never lost a game as 4 stacks , if you want you can join the challenge of @Bonator 3 vs 1 on Sunday around 21:00 GTM +1.


We play with cross play off 99,9999999% of the time 🤣


7/10 times I eliminate FT, the other 2 times usually one gets away, and maybe 1 in 10 I get greedy with a claim and get lit up.
FTs are getting really salty and rage quitting lately. I’ll drop one right away and the others will start getting pummeled by plasma and suddenly they all just drop out of the game.
Predator finally feels like the hunter and I guess a lot of FTs don’t like it.


Not sure if trolling or serious. Perhaps a private with an actual premade will change your mind. Just ask for a discord link.

PC or PS4?

PC. You were talking about ps4?

Turned off cross play ages ago, best thing I ever did. No point in playing with cheaters.

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That was my defense in court, but they still gave me a restraining order 😒


And before you say “well if you’re not competing against PC players then it doesn’t count” I would argue that PS4 vs PS4 is a purer and more challenging experience since everyone is on a level playing field. W/ PC there’s too much variability. Different systems run the game better. Mouse is far more accurate than controller. PC players can 360 spin w/ a slight flick of the wrist. It’s just not the same.
PC vs PC is fine I suppose but most PCs clearly outmatch a PS4.