I have no idea what they’re doing, but all I know is that I don’t know
New Illfonic stream today
what time does it start and also how do you have some many damn badges lol
3pm PST
You talking about @Papa_Applepie’s badges?
If so I got 3 for being the first to submit an ending, first to find all the deaths, and a participation badge
Now I need to try a get the rest lol.
I think the beta testers got this and another one
I’ll have to try next year for this one
This one is very situational
Still don’t know what this one is yet, but I know it’s got to do with watermelons
Who the fuck made that poll?.. was that question really on it? How in the sweet fuck did it get on top of the list?! HOW? WHY? LOL?!
By the power of memes it made it’s way to the top
I love it ;-)
Please! Do ask them that question!!!
I think they already have
Unfortunately I will be unable to make it to the live stream due to a doctors appointment, if anyone is there please ask upon my behalf.
They replied last time not from any Jedi they’ve hung out with.
Which does beg the question, @OldKingHamlet, Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?
You’re too dangerous to be left alive!!
I have the power to save the one you love. You must choose!
enter someone else to do Anakin’s lines
Sorry but I don’t do RP
He wants to RP
Best comment ever
@Durbs2001 @Derangedxeno_02 @Robo_2696 why are you guys going off the script, it’s on page 36, paragraph 5.
Why ah you gae?
You start a goddamn Star Wars quote, I’m going to goddamn finish it.