New maps this week..?
Smoke Chestnut Brown, plus a ginger shader would be funny as fuck. Imagine Dutch being ginger.
I’m really down for the Night Maps idea but I wonder if the NVG for the FT will have a battery life? And whether or not it will be insta recharge or have a cool down? Can the goggles be damaged? I also like the idea of there being spotlights or generators to add mix up. Also Dithered Lense might actually have a use now 😜. Also even just connecting all the maps together and allowing more players on both sides in would be nice…but that might be too hopeful for now.
The NVG idea is really clever. The opening diorama on the menu screen takes place at night so this might be a goer. The burning downed chopper might also mean Predator shoots down choppers now too.
There’s no telling what Illfonic has in store for us, but given long how we’ve waited I hope it’s good and we can all get behind it again.
I’m hoping for a new map to come, Dimension X, where we’re suppose to destroy Krang’s home.
I like turtles…
I like turtles
Tune into next week’s episode of “Illfonic promises new content coming the following month” for Turtles-inspired shaders.
+1 for that avatar pic 👍
Gene: I like turtles
Had to represent my skill level. I am the resident filthy casual
Just seen Bloodthirstylord posting that we have a helmet with NVG attachments (sorry if late on this). ARE WE DUE AN UPDATE TOMORROW?
I have this feeling that the August DLCs will be released at the same time towards the end of the month.
Free DLC being the new map and mode(s) and probably some skins.
Paid DLC, honestly not sure where they’d be shooting…I’ve seen those Dutch 87 leaks…
We’ve had two helmets with NVG attachments for a long while, the actual goggles are pasted in on the picture.
Apparently following Illfonics recent free update pattern it could possibly be tomorrow. If not next Friday for sure and then the paid is usually end of the month.
We kind of know that the paid update is going to be Fire Team focused as we’ve had two Predator updates in a row now, although even though I’m chuffed that 87 Dutch has been teased, it would suck if its paid and not just an addition to the current Dutch 2025 skin. That being said, I’ll probably end up getting it either way.
So they’ll just reskin Dutch and the Predators? NECA has done this for years unable to get Dillon, Blain, Poncho, etc.
There’s been SIX movies FFS. It’s a massive fanbase (game would be dead without it) that will buy virtually any update.
Poncho needs some respect for taking it in the face with a massive tree trunk…something he put together himself. The irony!
If they made 87 Dutch free to everyone or a paid DLC then it would make 2025 Dutch completely irrelevant. It should really just be his elite skin like all the other FT classes have.
I hope, based off of what you said and what i thought too, that Dutch 87 is something different. I hypothesize he will be 3rd person just like Pred. and he will be given what he had to do with in the last act of the film maybe some additional STEALTH interactions.
I"M NOT 1000000% on this…so don’t rely on this idea.
Yes they should make him a elite skin I think as well and give him to people who bought 2025 dutch and new people who buy him
Just as long as he stops checking his watch, right?