New to the game. Has questions..

Hi im new and in trying to learn of of youtube what works best ive noticed alot of videos are over a year old. Is there a post of what has been fixed or not?.
Also im play atm with the owlf suit with the spotter perk. Does is even work at all. Sometimes im hiding and still get ran through.

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Welcome to James Camerons forum.

No new vids? Because it’s not changed much in a year.

OWLF still needs mud and don’t forget the pred can still see you if he switches thermal off.

For guns, the simplest solution for all round goodness is the hammerhead, no suppressor.

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Welcome to the forum & game.

This game sucks, half the shit doesn’t work, & IllFonic genuinely does not care and only wants money.

Community is weird at best here. We have the Melons, The Crusaders, and The Sith. Welcome to the cult.

Yeah check announcements and patch notes.

Fair warning, IllFonic blatantly lies about what they supposedly fixed so like 3/4 of the issues are still in game.

Game has space tiddies

Three chested space tiddies? If not , take a hike.

My best advice, ditch the owlf, its for experienced players. Go support with thick skin perk, grab the hammerhead and first or second SMG. Ammo bags, med kits and stim for gear. For specialization go field medic to help the team. Its almost broken how good it is.

Turn off MUSIC, this is very important so you can hear the predator. If you have some good headsets, USE THEM!

When predator does melee. Pull out your knife and do heavy attacks, don’t move backwards or stand still, move left or right and try to circle him.

If the predator is good, don’t expect to win with randoms.

I’m gonna give you the basics
The developers don’t listen so don’t worry about putting DLC suggestions together

The AI is shit so don’t expect a offline mode

And I’m not sure what else there is
I don’t play the game anymore so I’m just guessing


Yeah from what I’ve seen nothing has really changed at all.

Glad I stopped playing when I did.

IllFonic is just a mini EA at this point.


So, if the predator has Tracker as their specialization, they will be able to reveal your location every 1 min and 25 sec for about 10 seconds. Basically, if you see Tracker, you can’t hide. You have to keep moving.

If you’ve not played as predator, here are some ways you’ll appear from the predator’s perspective.

Not mudded

Not mudded with Spotter


Mudded with Spotter

But there is also the Last Man Standing effect that will make your thermal signature warmer.

LMS not mudded

LMS mudded

LMS mudded and Spotter

Regardless of being mudded, sprinting and automatic interactive fireteam voice lines are loud and can give your position away if the predator player has good audio settings. Additionally, using in game headset communication gives your exact location away in Thermal Vision.

Note: Some PC predator players will have reduced graphical settings, such as removed shadows and reduced draw distance, that can allow them to more easily track fireteam players without using Thermal Vision.

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I made a tutorial video series for new players back in December. If you haven’t come across it here’s the link to the first video. The links to part 2 and 3 are in the video description, as well as a link to @SkooLBoY_SkePtiK’s guide site. Which should be enough to give you all the basics you need to be off and running on the game.

The mechanics haven’t changed really since the beginning. Once you have them, you just need to figure out strategies and styles that suit you. Since that’s the fun part (figuring out what works for you and why) I didn’t really do a how to on that. You learn best by playing.

Happy hunting

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Thank you all for the replies, it seems the spotter perk negates the reason to mud up, or am i missing something. Ill check the video out and some more.

While all these replies are great.

@Cadillackid did make a great FT tutorial at one point it could definitely get a rework. Since some mechanics have changed since then.

@SkooLBoY_SkePtiK has a great website!!

You asked for YT videos and nobody linked you to the greatest thread of all time made by @CHUCK_YT

While there are a lot.

It gets updated by the active members here.

This is your best source of playstyle good habits to pick up habits to avoid.

You will find Wins along with Loses there!!