New Venom movie

I’m guessing Woody Harrelson will be Carnage’s host then.

Looks , meh . The first one was a bit better than I thought it would be . Hopefully this one is the same

I’m gonna go in this with low expectations like the first one, I just hope it’s enjoyable.


Yeah , that worked for me with the first .

The biggest thing I didn’t like was the fact it was going to be R-rated at first and then they dropped it down .


Happy that we get an on screen rendition.

All the edge lords crying over small details can kick rocks!

Hopefully this one will be R-rated as I just don’t see how you can make a movie on carnage and not be rated R.

I dont think it will be? Wouldn’t it be announced as such by now?

Idk I’ve heard mixed things from people all I know is if they want people to really enjoy they’ll make rated R otherwise you’ll get the same shit as last time.

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Sony have a great opportunity here , with marvel finishing up to endgame , anything I have seen so far since has been sort of mixed .

Its a good time to get into the mix and branch out whatever they have at their disposal , build something of their own ? I get with it being comic book material but they weren’t necessarily all aimed at kids , logan and deadpool were successful.

The lower rated the more asses in seats might be their thinking? Who knows . Sony aren’t exactly known for making good decisions.


That they’re not but who knows maybe they can make some magic making it PG13 and still make it good, I doubt it but just maybe.

The fact that Spider-Man isn’t even in these movies is bad enough though as that’s one of the main aspects to venom and carnage. They got what 3-4 different Spider-Man series to choose from and haven’t used one of them.

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Yeah , it sucks they couldn’t do some sort of crossover

Writing, producing and directing this was fun.

It better be fucking good , Jim. You burned us with being attached to dark fate

Looks like it could be a dumb fun movie very loosely based on one of my favorite characters

I hate to be the one who says this…isn’t anyone upset that this reboot is different from the comics?! Like how it’s supposed to be given to Peter first or even Harry in the ultimate comics but instead he gets a stand alone movie? I mean to me it’s not venom

I’m excited! Although there’s a small chance that they’re going to rush through it so that they can have these characters introduced into the MCU for the inevitable secret wars

i dont like the comedic elements

i hated them in venom

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Its the whole IP being split between studios , they made do with what they had , I guess .

The animated spiderman series was great , the punisher battling giant mutant spiderman and blade turning up to fight morbious

A little bit but I don’t think this Venom and the MCU Spider-Man should meet. I think the Venom movies needs it’s own Spider-Man.

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