Not fun...

Its just no fun. I love this game but Its almost unplayable.
I tried to shot with my plasma caster but the shot went into a completly other directon as my laser. This is not fun. This happend with the bow too. Leaping is also bullshi* because if you want to leap away you just jump into a fkn brench and then you go straigt down and you will get a lot of damage. I thin there are also pic spawn bugs because I just searched on the whole map with my target Isolation. I tried this in private games too but there I could find pics everywhere. But anyway I will try to play Pred cause I love the feeling.
i hate it too when you wanna quick claime a FT member but you just jump on a damn tree and the whole FT is shooting at you.


I can only recommend that you change your keybinds for X and square to stop the issue with claiming and jumping into a tree.

I sadly dont have anything to help getting closlined by a branch while leaping. Sorry

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Preds are so weak that one FT member can down you if you do a quick claim… And then we dont even have to go in on how fucking buggy their weapons are and how their movement is clunky AF(like you mentioned)…
I see no reason ever to play as a Predator, never again. It’s not enjoyable in the least. You have to try so very fucking hard unless yer the netgun and slash kinda guy to even get one kill from a FT that is not complete and utter shit.
FT weapons chew yer health in no time at all whereas most Pred weapons are buggy, have travel time and at times do very little damage. Hell, even Bow shots at stationary targets often miss due to the many bugs, like hitting invisible walls, the arrows not going where you aim or the FT hitbox seemingly vanishing when they crouch, mud up etc.

If the FT spots you and are not complete gobshite you lose way to much health… and spot you they will because the cloak is so very obvious if you even move slightly. Not to mention all the noise the Pred makes, which is kinda funny since the Preds in the movies were quite silent and light on their feet unless they wanted to make a statement.

I am done playing as a Predator. I totally understand the many Pred rage quits I’ve gotten when I play FT. I feel more like a Predator playing as the FT than as a Pred.

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If the Fireteam destroyed your mask then your plasma bolts will fly all over the place, you need to provide a videoclip of what happened otherwise it just sounds as if you got angry over something or started panicing while playing and messed up your aim really bad.
As for the claims near trees, try to remember to face away from the tree before you click the claim button, your Predator wont climb up the tree then.

preds are not weak, Its just hard to master the pred. Of course the hitscan of the bolt action sniper is broken but you can still win against pre made FT

Where can I change the “tree mounting” button? Cant find it ^^
thx for your help

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I’ve gotten my mask destroyed twice ever…

If you’ve never had shots go where yer not aiming… lucky you. To me it happens all the time, fully charged bow aim dot right at a FT head… And still the arrow hits some obstruction that is not in the way… or goes wildly off some other direction.

I actually have a good idea why the aim bug is a thing. Because the Pred plays 3rd person, and the projectile comes from the weapon, the actual place where yer aiming is not necessarily the path the projectile will take.

Your shots can and will bug out if you’re near trees, depending how close you are to the trunk your shots will for whatever reason become attracted to it regardless of where your laser is pointing this applies to all pred ranged weapons. Something similar happens with the PC pistol where the first shot will cause all your bolts to fly out in completely random directions but the next shot will actually go where you’re pointing. All in all the trees in the game need some serious fixing since they cause a lot of problems for both predators and FT.

Go to your Options.
Controller Mapping.
Custum Controller.
Make sure your on Predators controller.
You should see all your keybinding options there, and can change them.

If you need a more in depth idea of how it works.
Or recommendation.

Hope this helped a little.

I am on pc but i Think i have to change the jump/interaction Button. Thx for ur help m8

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You will find this bug even if you change the buttoms settings don’t worry 😂

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Oh ok.
Yeah in that case im not sure I havent tested computer controls sorry.