on some level yes most of you are talking past each other
Xeno’s primary point in this thread is why are we complaining about something that
theoretically doesn’t matter as none of us who are supposedly good at this game really should care if the FT has more ammo crates which gives them syrrettes when right now the predator is considerably stronger than he was before allowing more strategies to be viable in more situations compared to what it used to be
and FT high damage doesn’t really matter anymore since Predator now has the same very high damage going so far as some Pred classes will literally one shot classes with less than 155hp
at this moment it would probably be a good idea to tone down all damage across the board simply to allow longer games
or even reverse the medkit nerf from patch 2.0? when medkits no longer full heal
now of course your point is statistics matter and even if skill will overtakes the numbers given we should still strive to make sure the baselines of both sides function properly when trashcans are fighting each other which is also fine
cause if the trashcans can’t play the game then we play a game that only has the hundred or so who know how to play the game and can put up with the poor numbers they are given
and then at some point the gauntlet was thrown down as Xeno believes that people on this forum who staunchly recommend balance changes when they themselves are good at the game shouldn’t actually matter to them so he doubts the claimed skill some players have even more so when some claim they “used” to be the best in the game when he himself knows and has played with some of the literal best PC players like Dan39k and he doesn’t rec any balance changes at all ever all he wants is better ping when he plays games
as he himself mains scout (one of the lower tier predators if you ask any of the top end PC players who only recently rose in possibilities) and he knows he is a good player from people outside of the forums community who are very good only for people here to claim he is trash and doubt any claims on time played he has used and his rough knowledge of damage Predators and FT are capable of
and when the gauntlet was thrown there was a lot of backpedaling and Ad’homms(insults)