@oldkinghamlet update

Yeah, hopefully we’ll get the update this week. I do, you said it here on the forum and I remembered your nick here. :) Thanks for support!


Hey man! No problem. A lot of your vids actually helped me become a better FT and Predator player!

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considering the canceled on monday and this is what was said last

there will not be an april update otherwise they should’ve been already able to mention it by now
at best where going to get it early may but i expect they must want the extra dev time so probably longer i’ll bet June 1st

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If the lawsuit is what’s effecting this, after May 27th is my bet.

After that, will it only be one month wait will the next update, or will the two month term reset?

4 lol
@Anyt1m3 on a serious note I’m not sure what IllFonic can do from a legal standpoint at the moment. IF they can develop new content, there should either be a M A S S I V E update with even more stuff and little to no bugs, OR IF THEY CANT The game will probably die and get a momentary boost in player base at the time, which would slowly drip off back to the game being dead. By that time Sony Or Disney or Whoever The Fuck will 100% choose to cut the game development.


But it be September then, a month away from
1.5 year anniversary. Woo-hoo

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It’s only logical. First it was 1 every month, now it was 1 every 2 months, it’ll be 1 every 3 months with this update, and the next logical progression in this pattern is after 4 months lol.

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They’ll probably work on other projects if the outcome if the lawsuit is uncertain. I hope we get some news come may 1.

Norse hammer has to become free as per sonys blog post stating it at the end in April.

So technically they have till Friday (last day of the month.)

Though we shouldn’t have waited this long for news.

It’s been pretty negative lately.

Dont really have a leg to stand on when it comes to hyping up for something new : /

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Lol. Over the last few days it’s like we’ve been going to stages of grief: anger, denial, acceptance, bargaining, depression.


An update would be nice but I think if we don’t see a post tomorrow, it may happen Friday… the whole situation, isn’t ideal. Any post we do see I hope it includes a reason for the delayed stream, which at this point is all we’re looking at. April’s update seems to be delayed but they never gave us a firm date to begin with, just April.

If it lawsuit related then it is likely a surprise to them, from what I know it shouldn’t have effected the release of any patch this month. It could effect future content but that depends entirely on the contract been Sony/illfonic and Fox/Disney. Gun Media didn’t license the Friday property, it was gifted to them with conditions (strings). Horror Inc./Sean Cunningham forced an end to content. Illfonic was hired to develop the game and parted ways with Gun, Black Tower took over in a smaller role for all future balance changes and bug fixes. They introduced rage and funnily enough the final patch from them is scheduled for May 4th, found out today.
The lawsuit around Predator and the rights is different, the Brothers are seeking a share of future profits. If Disney can prove that the ‘hunters’ script was work for hire and not a spec script then they win outright. I’m pretty sure it was shopped around though, so it’s doubtful it was work for hire. Complicating it all is Stan Winston, he may be the intellectual property holder for the Predator’s face/design, assuming he wasn’t under a work for hire contract… which he probably was being in SFX, so Disney might have a legitimate argument that it owns the most recognized part of the intellectual property. Which actually might explain fortnight!

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on this game? jeezuz fucknig chirst… have fun why dont you? its melons who are fucking around. its these queers going this and that is dead. its those shits you have to be aware of claiming this game in which you’re playing is trash. They are the cancel culture.
There is no debate, if you’re playing it and having fun…don’t even bother with the trash here. They will bring this forum down day to day, thinking its right because their momma violated their only appreciation for games…blame their momma.

Its a phase (melons, clowns). It’ll pass, just like a kidney stone.

Its kind of a bum time here so we do our best to entertain ourselves. Humour, anger, denial, etc

We shouldn’t be too harsh with the mods though. It is what it is, whatever they can do they did.

You’re a funny dude

I don’t like to speculate on such things, but perhaps if it was lawsuit related they may have been told to keep it business as usual to not spark any panic/rumors in an attempt to promote a semi stable atmosphere with the fans/customers. Keep the smile going until we run out of air.

It’s possible but at some point there will be news. Bloody Disgusting and others will report on it. Till then it’s just wait and see.

See instead of babbling like a complete fucking idiot? Nobody is cancelling shit , they have done that themselves. You talk like a deranged fucking maniac when everyone else makes more sense than you!

I started a direct communication with the intent to get sole answers and put their feet to the fire on some bullshit , and you stroll in and get it locked!

You are the problem mass! You contribute nothing! You are a rancid cancel culture! You are the biggest fucking clown!


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I Agree