Same as u here on PC. try not to use any epic outfit shaders. it works for me, got no bugs if I don’t use them.
Patch 1.10 Bugs
Now that you mention it, that happened to me quite a few times too.
I have different snipers in loadout, but usually also the minigun. Maybe that’s the issue?
LMG + Revolver for me, so I don’t believe it’s weapon based.
Yeah i have allowed it on public networks in the rules of the firewall i think its called as spacefish
But still i end up getting lost connection to host error and the signed out error
Hi Courier, could you give a response to the threads about the random disconnects and atleast some type of acknowledgement that youre aware and hopefully are working on it.
This is the biggest issue of this game at this point, skins and whatnot is a minor nuisance right now, please make the game playable.
I have experienced the same invisible weapons bug. It seems to only happen when I use my 4th custom loadout. I have tried deleting the loadout data and creating the loadouts again but the problem persists. I am on PC.