I mean kinda true, but when I play ft, if it’s my crew, we win the huge majority of our matches. So I do good on both sides.
I feel parry isnt horrible, it feels good now.
I still parried the fk out of some preds last night xD.
Honestly I kind of agree with everything you said, except for pred not being able to destroy ft equipment.
I feel like your kind of in the same place as me when it comes to playing pred, but I want you to honestly think about this-
Is it because of you that your win rate is high as pred?
Or is it only the pred itself?
Cause I really dont see pred being OP.
If he was, then there would be no danger of dying at all.
But I know if it wasnt for my knowledge of the game, it gaming in general, I’d be dying a lot more often.
The main reason I don’t see pred as op as well, is cause it’s so easy to kill preds. I didn’t start thinking or calling ft op, until I started actively playing.
But we need to gather everyone, or as many ppl who are willing to discuss, and talk balance, without just talking shit to each other, and actually listening each to other.
Its extremely time consuming tho xD