Patch Notes 1.05 (Hotfix)

I hear reports that some players are not getting the digital deluxe edition content affer pre ordering it, is this normal to you illfonic? Like seriously?? My brother is one of them, why is this happening??? Lol

Good work. I would like to see a change to the predator that when your in last stand you can climb trees still as what’s happening is your in last stand and trying to get away to heal and fire team follow you. A little unfair when fire team can bring back all players after death.


Nope, the game is buggy in many ways. Way much worse than dead by daylight at launch.

How fixed?

Take away fire team reinforcements and make the AI more of a problem for fireteams, AI is really bad right now. They should provide a better engagement to distract the fireteam. Predator needs more damage reduction, better cloaking, reduced energy consumption or have it only consume when using the cloak and or cannon. Also, place more pigs in the map and all throughout the map for the predator to eat.


Just got off a match where i got stuck in a tree for 45s, the whole team left in chopper because of that. Is there 1 thing going for the predator???


Agreed - the reinforcements option is a BS option - especially with no such option for the Predator.


Please consider adding more sustainability for the Predator The dude is a glass canon.
Add more pigs
AI more difficult. They literally are the equivalent of Golden Eye 64 NPC’s.
25% increased health pool for all Predator classes.


Ok u did patch the customization some but my pre order content always says it’s new even if I’m wearing it after the patch

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These a fair fixes and we will see how the game plays now. Still a few things i can think of that needs work but this is a good start @IllFonic

The 87 skin has a 4x faster energy drain

It’s supposed to be a reskin of normal hunter

I end up killing 2-3 only to lose the last guy and have the whole teamed respawned again…
They should add more pigs and maybe some equipment crates for the predator or something? Just for dumb things like bear traps and a health syringe or two maybe??
I feel that would balance the gameplay a bit more. Though they should buff a few of the predators weapons… Just a SMALL buff to damage output and speed of some weapons like the smart disc would really make the predator a force to be reckoned with


Sorry to say it to everyone but, this game is far from balanced!!!

This is a great hot fix, though I would love to be able to play the predator with my friends in the future in a public match.

Cool update but, can we please get a Slight to moderate Health increase to the Predator or Nerf the Damage the Humans can do to the Predator. As a Hunter, I shouldn’t feel as if I’m being Hunted and that is what most teams make the Hunters feel like.
Illfonic I really want to stay with this game but, I feel that it should be more balanced. Please keep in mind that I am NOT asking for you guys to make The Predator a “Bullet Sponge” but, he shouldn’t go down so easily either!
Great Job everywhere else on the game!
You guy’s are indeed Amazing and should be handed more Horror franchises to be converted into a game!
Thank you and keep up the Good Work!

SkullHacker Predator Clan Leader


It sucks he can only run and jump during 2nd wind. If he was able to climb trees itd be a bit easier to get away. Fire team always hawks me down unless i jump up to a rock or hide myself in bushes FAR away. Its not every time its hard to achieve 2nd wind but it should be easier than what it is now

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Update: Only happens when leveling up.

Yeah - like his/her ship sending over a pod of gear or something?

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I am starting to agree too. at first i thought it was a little rushed and had to alwys go in for kills. but it is much funner wearing them down over the whole session exhausting their revives until the last minutes and just keep ramping it up. i see the predator play coming together at lvl 58. i use the long leap perk and getting in and out from different angles and keeping an eye on them and plasma casting whenever they are putting on mud keeps them from wanting to do their mission.


Yeah same here. After buying some things you can get some of them to go away, but the PlayStation exclusive stuff stays fleshed as new.