Patch Notes 1.05 (Hotfix)

My PlayStation says the update is installed but the thing on the home screen is still there

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Hey guys, I know you have received a lot of criticism but thank you for the patch. With that being said, I’ve noticed that for me the patch reduces my user interface visibility and makes the screen size conflict with the game. There is also a glitch with my default fireteam avatar where the default 3D model looks ungenerated. The main issue for me is the reduction of screen visibility, just wanted to let you guys know in case you were unaware. Again, excellent game just please continue updating. Also, please refer to my notes about predator buffing. Thanks.

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Illfonic, you couldnt have fucked up worse with this game than you did, everything is wrong with it. Even the basic fundamental mechanics and balancing is utterly broken. I cannot BELIVE it is possible to release a game like this, im fucking mindblown!

I’ll check this in a month or 2, but im pretty sure it will be completely dead by then, because now…its unplayable for the Predator, if you can even get a match. I have 134 “new” cosmetics it says, even tho i went through the entire list.

Good luck, you are gonna need it, BAD.


Maybe slow down their speed a bit. Sometimes it feels like Quake Arena with everyone running around, bunny hopping everywhere.


-Isolation ability on predator’s vision sometimes doesnt show anything. Is that a bug or is there a reason for it?

-It often happens that i enter lobby and one player is missing, and then it takes forever to find one or in most cases people just leave, or end up in match with 3 or less people which is totaly unfair. My suggestion is to make other players stronger when games are played against less than four people i fireteam.

-Matchmaking is often entering some neverending matching/connecting loop.

-Gettinga prompt for putting mud in obviously muddy areas is sometimes pain in the a…

Game is great tbh, f-ing amazing.

-Isolation ability on predator’s vision sometimes doesnt show anything. Is that a bug or is there a reason for it?

-It often happens that i enter lobby and one player is missing, and then it takes forever to find one or in most cases people just leave, or end up in match with 3 or less people which is totaly unfair. My suggestion is to make other players stronger when games are played against less than four people i fireteam.

-Matchmaking is often entering some neverending matching/connecting loop.

-Gettinga prompt for putting mud in obviously muddy areas is sometimes pain in the a…

Game is great tbh, f-ing amazing.

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Predator needs a fat buff. I’ve started using the bezerker but that health should be the standard.

Currently you can kill 1-2 solo but if the squad is sticking together (do most of the time) just 3 alone will eliminate the predator fast. Ridiculously so.

The pred weapons are trash, combi stick and bear traps are nice. Plasma cannon takes forever for the shot to land, by that time the target has moved 30 feet. Plasma cannon also should track, slightly. As it is a tracking weapon. I mod’d is the shit outta avp2 with the ajl mod. Balance was the focus, this game does not have balance at all


People do know that the predators HP depends on how many players are in the lobby right? its unfair in a 1v1 yes but a 2v1 or 3v1 can be easily won. My and my buddy do it all the time. Just requires knowledge of game mechanics.

Lol…you fucking moron…well, head on over to Illfonics office and school them about gamer mechanics then, because they have failed at that on EVERY level.


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You guys suck at updating tbh lol now my games take longer to find a match not one change at all just made it worse 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

I can confirm from playing that the dual blade has mor dmg, that being said the fact that it was not indicated in the patches notes shows that there is a lack of transparency from Illfonic.
The queue times, well… there are worst.

lol you are entitled to your own opinion but I would not take the word of people saying the fireteam is op or predator is to weak when 80% of preds I face right now just charge in trying to melee without doing anything prior and just instantly die. Thats supposed to happen. Pred is a hunter not a warrior. insulting me when all I said was its entirely possible to 3v1 and 2v1 with knowledge of the game and some strategy. lmao. I swear half the people here wont call it balanced till the predator is the hulk and can just 1 shot everyone.

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At me at one the game began to fly out without errors? I wait for 20 minutes and receives a game crash. It has become a new patch.

Let’s just pause for a minute and acknowledge how cool it is to finally have a new ‘Predator’ game…

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I feel this game will quickly die if it is not done normally


I play a 10 min match and then have to wait another 20min to find a match trash trash trash trash trash

i still do not have unlocked many items that i had already obtained

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Most of what you receive from crates are skins. You need to buy or unlock the item first.

How about friendly fire and blood trails for the Fireteam

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I appreciate the quick hot fix but I’d like to offer some suggestions on what else I think should be fixed in terms of balancing.

The Pred’s melee weapons need to be buffed in exception to the Combi stick. The leap slam needs a slight buff as well.

The Marines move way too fast in regard to running around the map and also in up close combat with the Pred.

There needs to be something else added into the game in regard to the Marines obj speed bc they get to the exfil way too quickly. The Pred barely has any time to be stealthy and get kills.

The smart disc needs to move faster or have a longer duration.

Possibly giving the Pred some type of indication on what part of the obj the Marines are on so the Pred can better pace itself.

Give the Pred a health buff or the fire team a damage nerf.

I don’t want to sound too one sided but Jesus the Predator seems to be the one getting hunted. Thanks!!