Patch Notes 1.05 (Hotfix)

There is so many people on pc are hackers. I played against many.


Its 4 to 1 when you select predator 4 other people have to choose no preference or fireteam if 300 people at any given moment have the ability to choose and 100 want to be predator then there isnt enough people for 50 of those predators to get a hunt give it some time. I think a reasonable solution for the developers is to add some AI on fireteam side, or you can choose no preference and be a help to the situation until it improves a bit. They dont control what we select so why cant we give them a little understanding in return


Still takes forever for matchmaking as the predator

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make arnold a playable character XD lmao

Completely disagree! Having people play as the Predator with their friends in public lobbies is just going to lead to the same BS that Friday the 13th went through with people teaming with Jason. If you want to play with your friends as the Predator I suggest that you get four friends together and play in a private match. The last thing that this game needs is people to team up with The Predator.

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Feedbacks doesn’t need to contains insults and offensive words, you idiot. May be try to grow up a little bit before trying to act like an adult ?

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Buy skill ;)… Or play berserker…

Same, shooting me from branch to branch not one miss and I was cloaked jumping through leaves in the branches, I had to shut off cross play, not trynna play with no aim bot users


The game constantly crashes on loading now…

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I thought that was the case as well. But, it also has to do with how well the fire team is doing. Say on their objectives, how many AI they kill, etc. so if you down them and let them complete a few objectives along the way BEFORE annihilating them, you’ll get more XP. Hope this helps!!!

Matchmaking times are still the same, if not worse. My mates and I are all experiencing queuing times of 5-10 minutes for Fireteams if lucky, and I myself have personally been queued to play as Predator for more than 30 minutes with no luck.
Fireteam models bug out on the main menu background and don’t render correctly. Sometimes the matchmaking will glitch out entirely and keep me stuck in the “Placing” section indefinitely. While in this bugged out stage all controls to toggle between submenu’s are disabled, I am unable to Cancel matchmaking as well and the only thing I can do is close the application. This is seriously forcing myself and so many other people towards getting a refund for this broken system.
This is a great game when it loads, but by god players should not be having to wait up to an hour just to find a single 10 minute match. The pre-order bonus of 48 hour 2XP was almost completely useless outside of the first hour after launching which is when things seemed to work perfectly, so that’s great wasted money for a bonus that got little to no use.
Please fix your game illfonic

My customization items are still marked as new although I interacted with them many times … it’s the first issue that was supposedly fixed in the Hotfix update.

It did. Zero wait times now! :) :)

Maybe if you took the time to play a round as predator and see that people are using the (fucking stupid) ping ability to just track predators and chase them with miniguns and snipers through the forest. The predator should not be the hunted, it is the hunter. Though I assume you’re just offering useless feedback instead of taking the time to research and be well informed on the situation. The fireteam is OP at this current time, and you are a fool if you think it’s not true.

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The fire team was not op before the update I thought it was pretty close to balanced before they came out with 1.05 hotfix. Just have a tad bit of tweaking to do and the game should be grate

Hey jackass i don’t need skill, already won as the predator 7 times today. Now i understand how to play as him.

Simple math dude to every person who selects predator there needs to be 4 fireteam, maybe they’ll add some ai players to fireteams to fix it since obviously a lot of people want to pred with lower times to match, but if there is an imbalance of people with no pref to the ones that want to pred they cant only really do so much

Yes please for the love of everything! Have they not seen the original movie??? He demolished almost all of them without even trying!

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Any news of an update or is Illfonic still holding out on us until the refund period is up?

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Im now saying i am the bestat being the predator than anybody doubt me? Check me at team_sopoco-cruz ill kill ya