Still no deluxe edition upgrade for those that couldn’t have cancelled their standard edition pre-order before release?
Patch Notes 1.13
Since launch, it started off as Pred being underpowered and now Pred is pretty tough, but at the end of the day it comes down to skill gap and teamwork on who will walk away with the dub. Tired of these gamers that continue to waste their time on this game and forum when they claim it’s terrible, just leave. For those that say it’s pay to win, it’s not, literally “git gud”. Also I think some people forget what this game brings to the Predator lore and as a fan it’s a huge delight and I’m still having tons of fun with the gameplay, I do agree more maps should be added and far as modes go, Pred v Pred sounds ridiculous with the mechanics this game has…a hostage mode would be cool where the fireteam has to work together to extract hostages and if they get sloppy hostages start dying…that should help Fireteam work together instead of running around like headless chickens. Currently averaging 2000+ Pred Damage with 5000+ Total XP so if you’re in the US and close to those averages add me, lookin to build a solid FT…PSN is same as username. makeAwishKid2000
Yup one whole month very fast…
Guys check out my channel if you want the truth with predator hunting grounds! -
They arent here to answer lame questions, they are involved in developing the game.
@courier this is just one instance of the camera issue I mentioned. I’ll upload another video showing other spots like this now that I know how
IIIFonic please can you guys do an offline mode because everyone here needs an offline mode, because it happens so many time to me that I get so many internet issues and I got really tired of online. I would love to see offline bots and if it’s possible an story or challenge mode like Friday the 13 the game
We’ll take a look at it
Having a story wasnt in their budget…so don’t expect one. That’s why we get the tapes to fill in gaps of the lore.
I’ve run into a few of these recently. Really annoying when you think you’re in a good position.
A common issue when you’re back or head is near or up against some kind of wall or ceiling.
There are quite a number of positions the predator can’t attack from as a result of this.
It’s official. R2 is now making me claim on PS4. Happened with samurai and sword as I was chopping them down before they could escape. Cost me the match again
Just got caught up on the geometry on derailed PS4 and was unable to move and subsequently killed. It happened at the railyard in that building they like to camp in 300 style. Anyway I got caught up on the awning or roof/porch area.
Wait…people are actually saying this game is “pay to win”!? How is that even a feasible complaint? There is nothing to buy that makes you better. There haven’t been any Predator DLC that are stronger than Berserker which anyone can get and the only fire team weapon has been Dutch’s gun which is just an assault rifle with a grenade launcher attachment. There’s no advantage when buying DLC at all. Just adds some variation. The game is lacking content which everyone agrees on, but the thing that makes the game fun is the Predator lore and the feeling of being/battling Predator. For any Predator fan, it’s awesome and does a great job at the look/feel of Predator. Can’t wait for some new game modes though. Will help improve the game a lot.
I would like to see offline FT bots too, and even a predator AI. That would be interesting to see but I imagine would take the dev ages to implement into this game
Yup. Pretty sure it’s those that cant consistently dominate the scoreboard and use “it’s pay to win” to excuse their poor performance. Played with a dude like that, that’s also in this forum…that was ragging the game while we played and it was super annoying…didnt understand why he continued to play with that mindset.
The tracking on the katana is kinda wonky. Stealth kill is also bugged. Their heads aren’t coming off and physics are rough
Some people live to hate. That is what they like to do with their lives. People think it’s easy. Just type a few lines of code, hit a button, and all fixed or copy and paste some shrubs here, trees there, and look a new map!. It’s just not like that. It all cost time, money and man power, all of which Illfonic doesn’t have a lot of. I don’t mind people voicing their frustrations (I voice mine a lot, both here and on their twitter), but don’t be a dick about it. Honestly, the best thing everyone who cares about this game at all can do is sign in every day, play at least a couple rounds to keep the player base up and make suggestions to the team of what you want to see in the game and what issues you’ve had. As long as the player base stays alive, the game will get improved, but if everyone bitches and leaves, the game will die and we’ll just have what have now.
Love it guys! Please keep it coming! I’ll keep supporting!!!
Well, come to think of it, if it draws a bunch of weabo dudes and expands the player base then good!