Patch Notes 2.40

dude, what the fuck is wrong with you

fireteam is overpowered as it is

maybe your just bad


fireteam is overpowered I just use my plasema cannon more often or the bow of that reason

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release the jh87 skin please

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Go back in time and preorder you chipmunk

If you don’t like my comment so much why did you reply

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I’m waiting for some goofy person to do some ricochet trick shot with the arrow shoulder canon next update

Because I can. Just like you did.

If you want Jungle Hunter for Playstation so bad just go to gamestop and ask for a preorder code. They can still print it out

Wait really

Well if you can so much why did you

You answered your own question.

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whydoes everyone post on these patch notes?

Cuz they think it means something.

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You’re telling me that the developers don’t pay attention on their own forums? Yeah okay buddy, how about you take your toxic attitude somewhere where us real fans can’t see you.

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Well if I answered it so much why did you reply

Ik this guy is literally the average anime girl icon

fanatical or cynical, who defend any garbage no matter how bad it is?

ok thx



I hope they give a Naru FT skin along with Primal Predator, so i can run around shoving an axe up Yautja ass