Patch Notes 3.0.2

Patch Notes 3.0.2


This Patch will be releasing early exclusively for the PS4 today in order to resolve a critical matchmaking issue exclusive to the PS4 build.
The rest of the platforms will receive this patch next week after getting through the certification process.

Patch (Hotfix) 3.0.2 is primarily going out to fix crashes with a few other fixes that were ready to go out.

Bug Fixes


  • Various Crash Fixes
  • Addressed a matchmaking issue that was occurring on the PS4


  • Fixed an issue where Spectator Mode audio could sound muffled


  • Fixed an issue where the Predator could become stuck ADSing after firing the Crossbolt Gun and then ADSing with the Plasma Caster
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the Mr. Black Mask from unlocking for players that own the Mr. Black Predator
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the Feral Spear from unlocking for players that own the Feral Predator
  • Fixed an issue where certain head cosmetics for the Predator may behave incorrectly on the Main Menu and Customization Menu

Correction feral predator 6 dollars ?


How about actually fixing this ?



Didn’t fix anything, by all reports. Still can’t matchmake, levels and progress were reset, RECKLESS STILL WORKS…come on, guys.


@IllFonic @Doom the PS4 version runs awful. There was an option where you could shut down the fps limit, now it’s not there and it looks awfully lagged. I do run it on PS5, but I’m not paying for that version until you guys guarantee everything will be fine. (previous purchases, levels, everything)


The rule set/modifiers resets to classic hunt between rounds in Private Match. There’s also a QOL update you could do to where selecting a saved preset doesn’t go to the trash can first but the actual name. I suspect a few people will accidentally trash a saved preset.

Also, do we know if this will reset progress on trophies/stats?

yeah this “update” reset all my classes ffs lol. and i tried to que as pred it put me in a match in 12 seconds as the fucking fireteam. great patch lol. safe to say i quit the game

At least it didn’t make you wait 12 minutes for a Predator match only to be put in a Fireteam match.🤣

Happened to me 4 matches in a row.

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is the audio bug fixed?

exactly make this shit stable. the power of the ps5 and it doesnt even utilise it. you gave the update free to pc so whats the difference of ps5? get some competence in house and fix this shit. its been years so you dont have any excuse pull yourselves together or get it together. also i own the pc version so no excuse for holding back on making the ps4 version to par stop gimping people on ps5 with the power the console has. @IllFonic @Doom

No 🥲

So those ppl who paid again for this game should suffer one week with crashes until you lazy ppl fix this garbage game

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haha fuck that i probably would of uninstalled then i did que up for about five minutes for it not to be even placing me as pred thats when i just quit the game lol.

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Who in your team decided to make the smart disc destroyable in 1second ?
Do you guys find some sort of new drugs?

So basically
You devs nerfed almost everything on pred’s side

  1. pred’s movement on tree while he’s using ranged weapons is slow now and he becomes easy target for fireteam ( no need to mention branches now get destroyed with one sniper shot )
  2. smart disc gets destroy in 1 second ( one sniper shot )
  3. pred’s energy keeps overloading , which means you devs nerf it as well
    4)ranged weapons like bow got nerfed , hand plasma got nerfed in previous patch , plasma caster splash damage also got nerfed
    5)shield socks ass and there’s no point of using it and wasting one weapon for it
    Amazing job illfonic

What about ps5? Paid 15$ to not b able to play

I’ve never experienced the audio bug but according to other people I’ve asked, no it isn’t fixed.

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