Patch Notes 3.1.0

OK, its locked, unless you didn’t change your last loadout class

You guys didn’t even fix the roars. I posted on instagram that the roars on the display wheel are all messed up. They roar like they’re injured.


I’m surprised we even got the Gladiator

For those who still have sound problems, you must delete and reinstall the game.
It worked like that for me (PS5)

honestly i’m glad for this one as i often go for SK’s when ft are real bad and it would tilt me when i fail to get a sk because of terrain

but otherwise glad to see the patch you decided to just release dlc and fix (some) bugs great use of feedback

Honestly i kind of wish you guys had like one CM whose job it was to chat in the feedback thread to iron down feedback to make things at least seem more actionable but too little too late i suppose

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Missing plasma caster charging sound - not fixed.
Weapon, gear and cloak sounds lagging behind Predator’s walking and running - not fixed.

Broken objectives mentioned here, I’m wondering if the broken “Eliminate VIP” Airstrip objective has been fixed.

Hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhhahahahhaahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahhahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahhhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahshahh LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL ROFLLLLLLLL

Hahahahhahahahahahaha 3monts after And you cry here??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Hahahahhaahhahaha your life Is sad 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😉🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥hahahahhahahahah

asymmetric games always had a problem with balancing and here you endlessly cry over spilled milk ❤️❤️🌄🌄 stupid idiots…

Is predator hunting grounds even playable on ps4?

they are not playable anywhere because the game is broken, unfortunately it is a problem of asymmetric games that shut down the servers within a few years, there is no point in starting to play

Evolve, jason13 … Next Predátor hunting ground…

these games have a short life

Please fix this game breaking bug ASAP Can't aim and shoot bug. Inputs not registering. (With a video)

Finally predator voice actually works now for xbox 💪😁

I just love this, they fix one thing, I mean yea the audio fixes are good, can finally hear everything again, but you created like 20 other issues to replace the previous onces.

I still experience missing audio… So they didn’t even adress those.

which platform?

PC. For exemple, as a pred the plasma charging sound.

ah alrighy damn