people who like anything in J can’t be real

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Ehhhh 1j is ok

Free the Jungle Hunter

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I hope they blue screen crash during the stream.

They play on the VIP version of the game , you only wish you could 👉🏻

Hmm. hope it isn’t a cosplay pred but it probably is. They kind of didnt follow up with a roadmap, so anything is possible.
Its not their priority to promote the game, only to just support it.
Personally i want the third Super pred…and an all modified body type.

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I want elephant mask. I want a big wobbly trunk, and when you select “Roar” from the emote wheel it goes “BVVVVVVRRRRRRTTTTTT” like an actual elephant.

Oh you will for sure get one from the update , I’m just not sure you will like where though

Pleeeeease not another Pred. Anything but that lol

Maybe I will.


Listen, if they suddenly allow for further Dutch/Issabelle/…football guy customizations (clothes and such) i’m good for it.
Shirtless Dutch, shirtless …everyone else. Im ok.

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Haha at this point I would say it’s wise to not expect anything great. Hope for the best. We’ve all been let down do many times already. So its best to Just accept anything new at this point and be grateful for it. After a year I’m surprised they’re still adding stuff like haha at all.

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To behonest, the game is finished. Just that those people with Gay Station are feeling that their console’s firmware updates (not PHG updates) are purposefully fucking up every game including this one.

What are the chances that we’ll get Royce DLC and tapes? If so, i wonder what his suit will be like.

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He hunted people and got his own set of pred armor. And enjoyed the hunt.

Would be have Royce on Pred side while Isabelle is on the human side!

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Would be interesting if hed have a hitscan weapon. Not automatic of course, cause that would be too much of a giveaway in terms of the hunt.

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source? i dont see it one twitter
also aren’t they usually on tuedays

@topgunsean says it’s on FB

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