When you submitted your ornament you were meant to pick a word to describe it. But I don’t think you did a word for yours


So happy you like it Dovah.
And to be honest.
We’re still sorta bummed about even the Trinket.

So we are working on a side Project Inspired by Butkus.
Buuuut can’t release anything on it.

And yes, as Dovah mentioned.
You were to “choose”/“pick” a word to Describe your ornament with.

Dovah chose the name of their dog.
John chose Happiness, Esh chose Old.

I’m sorry if the instructions weren’t clear enough.

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I can’t wait for it lol, I’m sure it’s gonna be great

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Oh ok I probably didn’t read all of it,

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Yeah I’m pretty sure @Papa_Applepie just chose a random word, but I’m ok with that.

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And I, being very uncreative at the time, chose my PS4/PHG forum name
I swear I have a creative bone in my body

I mean I came up with these Photoshopps after all


I’m really proud of my Samurai

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Not to bad of a photoshop.
I can see a few black blocks and what looks like the smudge marks.
But relatively good.

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Yeah, the black blocks were to hide my name. I also found it very difficult to photoshop because of background

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Ah that makes more sense.

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I was going to try and go a Jason Voorhees warpaint and have a Predator machete, but I eventually just gave up

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What program are you using?

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PS Touch on an iPad from 2010.
The app crashes constantly, and I can’t update it either. Its an artists worst nightmare LMAO 🤣🤣🤣

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I’m a poor bastard so I use Gimp 2.10 on an OMEN at the moment for mine.
It has a Transparency section with a button called.

Color To Alpha
Where you can rip out the main color behead an object at your choosing.
So if I want all the BLACK in an image gone, I can just pull it off. And adjust the boarders of anything not black in color.

Works pretty well.
I’d recommend the program if I had more time with it.
Just got it this year.
I’ve been using Gimp 2.6 all my life so, eh.

Same actually lol

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I mean my stuff is alright, when it doesn’t crash. I mainly use it for very very small projects. I’m not good at creating stuff from scratch, but I can try my hardest at editing something that already exists

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I think we’re all very poor lol


Im not gonna lie though.
There are time where I’ve seen some photoshop stuff.
And thought.
“I can just do that on gimp using this and this”.

I haven’t really had a drive to even grab a higher tech Program let alone anything with a monthly fee.

And I love Retro Pixel art so it’s like.
Do I reeally even need that to do what I need to do?

Like if you could get your hands on a “better program” what would that be, if it could better your work?

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I love retro art and retro games, I especially love old polygon games
That’s why when I bought Predator Concert Jungle I immediately fell in with it

There is just something that I find appealing about the simplistic limited art style


and the mechanics worked for the most part back then.
I never got to play that one though.
Just AVP.

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