Place your bets for April's DLC date

Haha nice joke but April Fools is already behind us

Have a look if you don’t believe me , its up

Lemme introduce you to some watermelon shine

I get 3 notifications whenever an update drops. 1 pops before and the other 2 after it drops

Never had it, did try Vodka in a frozen watermelon once. Wasn’t horrible but my tastes lean more toward bourbon.

Can someone confirm the update?

Is your WiFi connected?

As long as they use it for a month it’ll be fine

But do as you wish

I just think it would be funnier seeing everyone with that picture flood the forums

Not seeing patch notes?

😖😖😖😢I just checked the forum. And now I feel stupid. Why are you the way you are?😭

Patch drops in 15 seconds

Don’t be sad mate , you aren’t stupid , you are just gullible. There’s a difference 👍🏻

Don’t get me talking burbon, we ain’t got that kinda time

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30 seconds

Trust but verify, always the best policy.

4 seconds.

4 milliseconds

A man of taste you must be then. I mean with Cadillac’s it can go either way but bourbon is a sure teller.

Glen Livet is the way to go aged at least 24 years


I like a good bourbon cream