Plz add Watermelon shaders


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My username is jxn_alxender my avatar is a dragon with purple around it

I think that it would be a massive Olive Branch to the fan base



This! You are a smart cookie

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So its come to My attention that I have been a Bad watermelon by not including @Cadillackid who is a honorary Watermelon and has witnessed the power first hand. I am sorry


James Cameron endorses this.


I’m gonna have to start charging for my time lol there’s so many melons.


Well at this point they need to prove themselves to us! We have lost the Founder to the Beach @GetToLaChappa so as the Remaining three of the original 4 we need to test them lol

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To quote @GetToLaChappa “anyone can be a melon no matter their skill” I agree with this however I also want to hone their skills by making them melt me or I’ll rip their skulls out their assholes.

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They start off as a seed and have to grow into a melon duh! Lol they need to prove to us that they have the Knowledge to add to our Vine. Till then they remain Seedlings lol. The ones that are already melons are good cause they have proven they are worthy

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I’m an honored honorary and always happy to drive the melon cart


Oh yeah we got that Caddy Melon Cart! Top of the line. Comes with all the bells and whistles.

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PM me what you want btw.


I’ll let you know

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A Cadillac that looks like a watermelon lol!

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What day are we thinking

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Any. Most of us are all free after 5pm so!

I’m usually on from 3-5 or 7-11 EST depending on how busy I am or random shit happens which has been the case lately.

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7-11 works for me
But I’m CST