POLL: Who will buy Isabelle's DLC?

It will drop today the 5th of February

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I don’t know what toxic sewage pipe they crawled out of, why they got a 10ft pole up their ass, or what I can do to remove such toxicity.

But sure I’ll…team…up???

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Ya like popsicles? I’ve got a whole freezer full of ‘em with all the flavors! All you need to do is come on down to the cellar, and you can have all the popsicles you could ever want. Mmmmm, just come on down to ol’ Herbert’s cellar, hehehehehehe!

With extra love,

I just need you to let me do my thing to get this guy out of here.

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We will miss you Isabelle! Really thought it would work out between us but you decided to pass. only 20% thought you were rediculous choice for the game.

well depend of the stats /specializations

I want her for a DLC, because I really want her sniper, and because somebody I play with is a women and wants a girl class.

I’m not done with the game, just the DLCs until something worthwhile comes out again. Not interested in random sportsball guy and an Israeli sniper.

I thought Isabelle was Brazilian

This one is tough, I think I would buy her. It’s not a for sure thing.
I think I’d end up doing it in the spirit of supporting the actress and game.

I still very much would like a way to play as Predator against NPC’s that use the skins I own. I think something like customizable Single Player Challenges would be the most fun way to do it. Introduce 3 and maybe grow out from there, assuming people like them and find them useful practice matches. I don’t think they need to be as complicated as full missions. More in line with a section of the map and a set number of permutations. With a focus on stealth and taking them out at opportune times, with them reacting in either an extremely defensive or offensive way if alerted.
An expedition as one, with a group moving through the jungle. A base to take out, using existing assets and maps. Final I think a conflict between STGZ and OWLF would be pretty awesome, especially if the right balance between broad on rails movements and places where NPC’s can jump the tracks and engage the enemy. Adding a bit of chaos. I imagine it working by using the NPC’s themselves, a group wins a fight, they check some alternative list of things happening on the map and head to the next one.
Changing the NPC’s by reskinning them as Dutch for example should buff them for lack of a better word and change the out comes as you move the more powerful characters around different areas.

PS. Definitely needs a way to randomize everything… with toggles to set which things are randomized ie. maybe you only want characters and which NPC’s they replace to be random.

bump! fist

i have not and will not buy a single DLC untill the game is bugfixed and balanced.

Couldnt give 2 fuck about new DLC. i just want to play the game fairly at a high level.

So bug fix, balance and patch exploits/macros, de-jankify etc and ill give you some more money!

We have to speak with our wallets. NO ONE should buy anything until the base game is in a good state!


I will only buy her if I can rip the model from pak archive and undress her… for educational reasons

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I probaby will. I hope we get Celtic Predator at some point.