I beat Beer once using Amazon Ghost, when he was running solo. I won and promptly logged off for the day until I was sure he was done playing. Then I fantasized about it whilst touching myself.
Post YOUR videos!
Yeah, I’ve seen those, but I rather have, you know, REAL guns, like this baby
and this one
and this one
Why is it such a big deal for you guys😂
Most of us humans don’t win much against the “elite” players, even when they are playing with potatoes.
Did the same that night, even though I lost. I’m masochistic that way. Sometimes I rewatch the match and edge until that last shot when I get put down, feelsgoodman.
What Jealou said. Like I can recognize people by their names like Boogie, the Voodoos, DEEZKNUGHTS, etc. and I can kind of know what to expect from watching them play, but I know they aren’t in the same league as yourself, Sam, Beer, Gesp, and the rest. So when we encounter them in the wild, its quite the exciting experience. And like, its not about winning or losing at least with me, like I fully expect TO lose, but just getting the chance to rumble in the jungle with them is good enough.
Because that drunk bastard doesn’t ever fucking miss, so when he finally does and I get a chance to bury his corpse 6 feet under, I’m going to pour some wine, eat a steak, play some Marvin Gaye and relive the moment.
And also because it’s funny
Dearest Beer, revenge is for the weak, you don’t need it, trust me bro
Many things
Confirmed replication, craftsman probably couldve even posted because I was lagging
how can i solve this? Illfonic says i need to delate my data and that would make my first week in the game reaching to LV 125 wasted time… I want to use my OWLF woodland again and i can’t, i wish i could post the link to the evidence clip…
No need, it’s been a thing for a long time
There’s a way to solve it without delate all my data? I’ve tried the tactic of switching class in every slot and that didn’t work, i can’t use my skins for the OWLF, not even using veritanium for a new one
Yoooo you can ride the blades?? Sick, I need to do that!
Super evasive predator tactics lmao
Try another loadout slot
i already tried with the 12 of them, was the first thing i tried :/
In an attempt to increase my FPS I noticed a bug where the predator glows in his cloak. I noticed this by accident because we mostly play private matches only on day maps.