Fortunate enough to hold on and help my teammate in the end.
Post YOUR videos!
You play better than some who claim to have 1000+ hours in this game and have been stirring up drama on the forum for years.
Thanks for the praise, I was lucky that the pred keeps missing his shot and I’m connecting mine.
If you enjoy that, I’ll think you enjoy this one too (non meta build)
(posted above, bumping)
Taking a break/AFK for 30 secs while in game is fatal/dangerous! Preds are very opportunistic. Spawn Kill is real!
Deleting your “data” just deletes your loadouts and user settings. Your level, veritanium, unlocked stuffed, etc. do not get deleted.
Public match? that’s awesome! Do you have a video or score? He always quit when he dies/loses, So I doubt you will see the score tally with him on it
@JimHarbaughWQLVE does that make him the best?
Also saw you ran with H-Unit and Dante09k, I see them a lot and have fought them before, they’re some of the more mid PS players. Between the three of you Jim really had no chance.
It’s really not that surprising lol. Jim is terrible. My two inexperienced friends who both had less than 500 hours at the time were able to kill him.
H-Unit_Q-Pac? He rage quitted private matches against me after he proved to be even more useless as a Support Field Medic than a Dutch 87 knife masher. Dante09k also rage quitted privates against me. He played every single game as either Dante, Support or Dutch 87. I don’t think he ever got above 500 damage once, and he also pretty much just spams grenades & mashes knife.
Classic mediocre PS garbage. Basically Voodoo Boy level.
Where did all the actual good PS Fireteam players go? Nowadays people think it’s impressive to land 2 sniper shots in a row on a potato Pred in pubs while crutching on Assault’s increased hipfire accuracy & action hero perk, meanwhile I’m still hitting 4-pieces in Private Matches as Isabelle and I’m not even that good as Fireteam.
i was in a party with h unit, but got dante and his friend by chance lol
HERE YE HERE YE! I HAVE DEFEATED THE CHAMP! i didn’t get the scoreboard because he left, but i did the most damage with 1.9k
I have ran with him a handful of times, mostly win, his name only stuck when he claimed he was the champ, Yeah he always does that leave after the lost. Good Pred though, but I seen better Pred than him.
Well, I mean, you’re some kind of mutant at this game, bro. Inhuman, superpowered, hyper-skilled lol. So of course they would be easy fodder for you :P I say mid just based on how they can actually DO something, compared to legit potatoes that do nothing. Like if you can track me, lob grenades that intercept my point of travel and your bullets decently hit, then that’s at least mid.
I am a Super Predator🤣
Not in a cringe way, but if you look at the lore about them & the way they are constantly adapting & improving to become better Hunters, with unorthodox tactics & strategies and the way they will do whatever it takes to triumph over their Prey, it does pretty much sound almost exactly like me in this game as the Predator.
I was beating the PC Elites in 2022, which as a PS Predator was unheard of unless you were me, StUrMi or Bandido, and then I started beating PC Elites on Base PS4 in late 2022 to early 2023, which to my knowledge nobody else has ever done. And since then I’ve only gotten better. The other day I went on a 25+ game win streak in Privates as only Falconer & Mr Black without using Down Range on either of them. Idk how I do all this shit most of the time in such a ridiculously unbalanced game but here we are. I probably didn’t need to tell you all of this but oh well😁
Yeah I understand what you mean. There are just levels to this game so not everyone is going to consider the same things worthy Prey or a challenge. Wolf was a very skilled Predator, but the things that challenged him are a walk in the park to the likes of Greyback.
In the grand scheme of things, yeah they may be around the middle of the park in terms of skill in this game, primarily due to how astronomically low the skill floor is & how high the skill ceiling is, but the people at the top of the skill ceilings will still only really see them as shit or just a meh group of players.
I’m almost tempted to get an Xbox & start playing like a total sweat as Predator on there & just not tell anyone it’s me🤣
It’d be one hell of an experiment.
you hack ! cheat at game predador hunting ground !
Oh god, please do not pull a Nomad and buy an Xbox JUST for this game…like invest in some of the other exclusives, or use it for emulation like I do, something other than this godforsaken game lol.
i cant decide if i want another gun model or another NECA figure
pls halp
Wait what? He bought the game on PS4, PS5, Xbox & PC? Jesus.
And on the more serious note, not a chance in hell am I actually gonna buy an Xbox purely to troll people & be the certified ‘Best Xbox Predator’ or something like that😂
But it would be a funny scenario nonetheless