Yeah one piece of advice I’ll give you is use their cockiness against them. They will often chase if they deal some damage to you instead of dying & you retreat to heal or just to reposition. Gain enough distance, and as long as you don’t have too much health depleted, ambush them with traps. If you barely have any health left, either keep gaining distance or hit them with a fully charged Plasma Caster shot to force them to retreat & back down themselves.
Another thing you’ll notice is they’re good players, but they aren’t the smartest. So, play smarter. Keep note of what works & what doesn’t & note what they do in certain situations. Before you know it, you’ll be anticipating their moves & thinking one step ahead of them.
Yes please lol. Like I noticed you use the pistol’s splash damage a lot, as not every hit is direct, and typically combo’d with wristblades. I tried that last night and it worked out, combined with combi throws into animation cancelled pistol, the constant pressure made a lot of teams corner themselves inside buildings which made for some easy run-ins. Gonna play more tonight, if I have a worthwhile match I’ll upload it.
For sure, add me to whatever, I don’t mind trying against harder opponents. And yeah I have it set to appear offline, meant to switch it ages ago but never did lol I’ll change it later. And yeah I don’t think becoming Blooded is in the future for a little while lol. I at least still need to master the disc, I’ve literally never played it outside of a solo private match to practice. That and learning better engagement angles, combi throw timing and trap deployment, at the very least.
Agreed. There was so much more freedom in not being worried about triggering the leap when around trees, and stamina conservation was much easier. I’ve made too many mistakes from accidental climbing, it feels so fresh now lol.
It would be nice if every hit was direct but sometimes you’ve just got to take what you can get from the splash damage I suppose. Sometimes the Plasma Pistol shots will shoot at the floor when I try to quick scope & it can screw me over but yeah. Getting combos with a Plasma Pistol shot into Wristblade slashes is one of the fastest ways you can down people if you land all the shots & hopefully don’t get parried. It’s best to use this when someone has their back to you if you wanted to be really safe about it, because some people will exploit the fuck out of the triple knife & parries which can get your health taken from 100 to 0 very quickly. It will feel like you get hit with the old Fanatic/Reckless exploit sometimes it’s that bad.
Yh I was playing with Disc in Privates earlier because someone was using Sixth Sense. They are clearly incapable of countering Traps, so had to resort to this. Even funnier that they were a PC player & they have better audio quality than PS players so they should be able to counter Traps even easier but I digress.
I got into the rhythm of the Disc again for the first time in a while & managed to turn some games into massacres. In fact I didn’t lose until people started using Dutch 87 Leader. Just got to be understanding of angles & figure out what is most difficult for them to counter. Positioning honestly feels like half the battle with getting value from the Smart Disc. There were 2 games where I basically spent the whole match killing people with the Disc & they only just about escaped in the end due to getting the fastest missions on the map.
I guess the moral of the story is don’t get too irritated or disheartened if you’re losing games. Fireteam takes practically zero skill anyway & half the time they might aswell have plot armor with the missions, reinforce spawns, exfil spawns, ammo crate spawns etc.
But yeah you should probably get some actual experience using the Smart Disc because sometimes it is literally the only thing you can use against certain teams to get a kill when they have an absurd amount of damage buffs. Sometimes you only have to come remotely close in line of sight to shoot a single Plasma Pistol quick scope & suddenly half your health is gone.
Traps are still probably the best way to go to get an early kill though of course when you know how to use them.
It’s hard to have this mentality, especially after playing for five freaking years. Like I know everything is fucked with the balance, I know I’m fighting an uphill battle from the moment I load in, but it sucks when you lose or have to quit due to bullshit. I had to bail out of a match the other night because I simply could not fight back, it was a team of FOUR MINIGUNS. My mask was destroyed, syrettes gone, I felt defeated. And it sucks because they weren’t some typical premade, they were a premade using the cheapest shit possible. Hold R2 to win, that’s it. And it’s like, I feel I should have been good enough to overcome that, after so long of playing, but I wasn’t. And that kinda sucks.
Recorded some Pred play last night. Was on for several hours but these were the most notable matches.
I also ran into…what’s his name…naskopf? Him and his team. I promptly pulled a Cartman when the middle eastern kid came to class and was like noooo no-hooo and dipped 😅 Not ready for his level yet.
Oh yh believe me I get pissed off playing as Predator in Privates all the time. Fireteam damage is absolutely ridiculous. I should make a compilation of absurd Fireteam damage melting the Predator atp. But yeah the trick is to not get too pissed off at it, because then you’ll start playing worse. Just try to stay calm & “lock in” as they say.
Yeah the minigun is kinda broken now tbh. Especially if people use multitasker perk, because they’ll look like they’re speed hacking or something while making your screen shake a ridiculous amount so you can’t hit them easily & your shots don’t even go where you’re aiming. It’s a really braindead strategy & weapon tbh. It’s basically impossible to miss if the Predator is close & if people just camp inside rooms where Plasma splash damage can’t reach them & you don’t have Smart Disc, you can almost guarantee you’ll be taking a few trips to the pig spawns before you end up killing them.
This is assuming the people are actually half decent though. The average minigun user in pubs is a potato so you just stay at long or mid ranges depending how you want to approach it. Either with fully charged Plasma shots from range, or Combi Throws & Plasma Pistol shots at medium range while doing mazy runs to avoid damage.
If someone from the Private Match scene uses it though, it can make your life a living hell. You literally cannot go close until either the minigun guy is dead, or the rest of the team are dead if you want to be safe/smart. There’s a very good reason the Jungle Hunter took out Blain from afar with the Plasma Caster in the movie let’s just say that.
And yeah, premades using cheap shit is always annoying.
Yh you’re getting the hang of things, but my God that pink Wolf Predator made me want to click off the video💀
Anyways, like I said, against miniguns, just don’t bother going close. For the quick scope Combi Throws & Plasma Pistol shots, just try to quite literally line up your target with the centre of your screen before shooting.
Yeah YautjaSymbiote pretty much summed up exactly what I was going to say about that.
I ran into them twice in a row with 100+ ping. Basically couldn’t do any damage but still almost won :( fuckers. They didn’t say anything toxic though, just ggs
Had high ping, hard to do any damage when it won’t even register. Downed 2 the first game but lost due to fucking around in melee, got all but one the second game, razduplyator or whoever that is escaped. I hate high ping. I’ve killed naskopz plenty
Don’t let that fool you, he’s still a toxic prick. He cries about Plasma & cries if he can’t use Dante or Support in Privates. I can DM you screenshots of his antics if you want aswell
Oh I believe you. He or raz in the second match said “my team says you are bad” then they all died but one even though my ping is 100+ and I’m running disk/bolt, so, yeah…
I try to do my best and do exactly that. It gets rough though, especially because of how unfair shit is. Like last night I had another minigun squad and I was getting melted, even with mazy running just cuz there was a literal wall of bullets. I got them though, like I do usually win the war of attrition against miniguns, but it’s such a pain in the ass. But I will for sure focus more on plasma, both pistol and caster for dealing with them more efficiently.
And I’m sorry about the skin 😂 I try to make the most annoying Preds as I can for trolling purposes. I DID change him after these videos though, darker skin with the blue armor. Might change him up again later, cuz yeah the more cleaner and typical armor is better. And as for naskopz, damn now I wish I had fought him lol. I just recognized his name and thought he was one of the more better players, but I guess not after reading though the replies here. If I see him again I’ll try my luck. That scorpion guy in my second match, he was with Beer that one time I got him in pubs, so it was nice coming out on top against him.
oh those guys. I ussually fall on them playing with Craftman or some russian named dude. They are ussually ok player but got the good teamates to carry to victory (also that + Instant camp renforcement when they are 2 guys short.)