Predator - 1st person view (+ auto-taunt per deaths)

Ok, i could agree with that 👌

It would be incredibly hard to do with the way the Predator gameplay is set up


I’m sure this was mentioned somewhere before. It would be ideal for pred to have an option for fps, also it would not hurt to give FT option for tpp camera.

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Not realy, predcour possibly would be slightly confusing, but 1st person camera would allowed basisi for zomm in and out mechanic that this game is missing at the moment

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Combat would be abysmal, Leaping would be impossible, and moving in general would suck due to the motion blur in game. They’d have to completely rework things to get it to work properly


There’s a reason why they made the camera perspective the way they are for both. Give FT third person and you buff their line of sight dramatically. Predator gameplay is suppose to be stealth oriented with a ton of mobility and awareness while giving FT first person makes enough tunnel vision for an enemy to have opportunities of approach. It’s like if you gave killers on Dead By Daylight the ability to go third person it would break the balance when they can easily turn the camera around their character to find any hiding survivors behind them.


True, I did not thought of that. I take my statment back! Thanks ;-)


Glad to help 👌

It be nice as an Optional turn on. Just in case someone wants to go back to third person.

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Can I also have optional 3’th person view on fireteam? :)

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I mean there should be a way to switch from 1st or 3rd person becouse I do like the idea if it’s like avp

I’ve been asking this since the trial version.
They don’t listen. it’s useless to ask for it.

Because it’s stupid and puts you at a giant disadvantage

I don’t think so.
I used to rock with the predator in ALIENS VS PREDATOR and it was 1st person view.
I used to slaughter human controled soldiers and aliens crawling in the ceilings with auto jump and things much worse than this game.
I simply slaughtered them!

You may lose a little field of view, but you see things much better, more realistic, you can aim your melle attacks, its a total fiferent gameplay.
We are not asking them to remove 3rd person view, but to add a button to change it to 1st person view.
Dont worry! you’re game is still going to be the same!

This game does not in anyway play the same

This game is baby’s candy compared to the difficult we faced in that other game.
That was a real predator game. I love this one too, but it falls behing so bad compared to Rebbelion’s title back in 2010.

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This game is significantly better than that one. This game is more tactical, melee was almost non existent in that game. This is a Predator game that was an AvP game it was simply the skeleton of this game.

This is THE best predator game to date. And will get even better each patch update.


Those games weren’t exactly balanced and wouldn’t hold too well to today. I’d love for a remaster of the campaigns with mordernized visuals but would never bother with multiplayer even though they do retain all the movie accuracies to the point of favoring nostalgia over actual balance

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Sorry dude but BIG NO