predator gear tier list

give me your personal tier list of all gear and perks starting with your favs

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Too many to choose from.

  1. Healing kit
  2. audio decoy
  3. bear traps
  4. motion detector
  5. wrist launcher

It’s here in order I explained them is also how important I think they are

not asking how to be good asking for peoples person tier lists and favs

And my opinions haven’t changed since then and I explain well why I think that way don’t wanna bother typing it out again specially while I’m at work


Wrist launcher in fucking garbage tier.

I like to shoot fireworks at the enemy predator in clash because its pointless and when the enemy pred does it too its hilarious.

Can they just delete it and give us the little wrist blades or darts that shoot out? Or make status effects not inferior to raw dmg?


fair enough time is money

If they wanted to make fire an actual thing in this game just handle it like Hunt Showdown where you ignite downed players and someone has to interact with it and put the fire out before they die. No use of revive syringes or crawling while burning.

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Heal kit - obviously s tier increasing your effective hp. Why illfonic wont give other syringes like stamina or temp buffs idk.

Bear traps - yes

Audio decoy - meme tier like the wrist launcher, no ones actually falling for that gimmicky nonsense

Motion detectors - if you don’t tag players for some reason tier.

And netgun should be a gear item

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how do you tag em

Yeah. Not sure why they opted for so much ammo. They could cut the ammo by 50% and make it much stronger. I never use it.

Looking at people in thermal will put an icon over their head as long as they don’t run off too far

I personally think its dumb it keeps them tagged with thermal off. Just gives thermal another reason to suck. Also destroys whatever concept of stealth there was for the FT

does it still tag muddied FT

Harder to tag but still taggable

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  1. Healing Kit
  2. Bear Traps
  3. Motion Detector
  4. Scout FT Class (helps Pred because they suck)
  5. Audio Decoy
  6. The Chat Wheel
  7. Trees
  8. Self-Destruct Device
  9. AI
  10. Wrist Launcher

Literally anything in the game is better than the Wrist Launcher.

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You say scout sucks but yet you used it against me and did the most damage. If you’re gonna lie you at least have to make sure that it’s believable.


I love you, too, pal.