Predator is not OP

is op, just as op ft is

when you can do one hit downs and melt a viking in 3 seconds, yeah, op

Lol ok play any build you want. Literally any weapons. And play my team. Tell me how OP you feel

That’s not how that works

The matter of being op is relative to the situation

Otherwise every gun is op in siege because headshots are one shots

Your also forgetting that’s one FT who can melt a pred in 3 seconds

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It’s objectively not overpowered. 1 hit build with Viking? So you mean melee?

You touch the ground, attempt melee. Promise you’re dead. One. ONE person can kill you from melee range in 2 seconds flat. Now multiply that damage by 4. You come in melee range you’re dead in a second.

You are basing this opinion on playing people who are bad. By your own logic if I play a bunch of people who don’t know how to play chess, and destroy them with my knights, the knight is the strongest piece on the board.

The FT is objectively far more powerful than the predator

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He’s forgetting any scenario where the predator can do damage, he’s also putting himself in a situation to take a lot of damage.

And in this game, with the amount of sustain the ft has, and the 4 to 5 minute missions. This does not go well for the predator. FT quickly heals and out sustains the predator, while he’s forced to waste 30 seconds running off and healing in a match that can potentially be THREE minutes.

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and you are basing your logic on people who play bad as well…

melt pred in 3 seconds? one player? c’mon… we all play this game… even with exploits against a scout, you won’t melt them unless they play like idiots trying to writsblade you to death…

so yeah… if a pred melees 4 potatoes to death pred is not op but if FT melts a potato scout in 2 seconds FT is OP?

stop the stupid logic. everyone here is so fucking biased that wants pred to be a fucking unkillable thing even if you play like a total fucking idiot…

Everyone deals too much damage. This is what everyone who plays both sides and don’t prefer one over the other thinks.


He’s still going on isn’t he? LOL 😂

Yes you can

Even on console you can predict they’re location and pre-aim for attacks

Melee animation locks you

Ranged slow you down to a crawl

Leaps are predetermined and predictable

The only thing you can’t do that with is running but even then the predator isn’t doing anything either

When the Pred has no way to avoid the damage while actively doing damage yes

right, I forgot… preds can’t touch me while I’m firing…

any pred that stands still in plain sight for more than one second is stupid

But like I said movement is predictable

If they stand still for only a second they’re getting ripped into even if it doesn’t finish them

And that’s forgetting the people who could hit leaping preds on PC

And ya the Pred can touch you while your firing but you have better dps so it doesn’t matter anyways

… you asked in a post how to become a good console-ft, (well, controller)

I have responded,

… your reaction is

/- What? - /

um … ok, :)

dps comparison is stupid to bring into this argument when you and your opponent have a very different health pool


You can deplete the predators health bar faster than they can deplete yours

Does that inconsequential change help you?

only if it were true, is not

ok but this is highly dependent on range like at 30+m that will never happen unless the pred your facing is real fucking stupid

the only way someon can solo a predator is if they are >20m unlesse there a fucking god at this game

like StoagieSteve420

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FT has hitscan sniper and the GOSLR

Even with the damage reduction at range we can still out DPS the pred

Your argument is literally just your wrong

Even if you were right that does nothing for your argument

do you know elder stalker/ city hunter Analy exists?

and plasma caster AOE (which is a miss) does 120+ dmg?

you will not win this fight ever

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This isn’t a one V one game

So your telling me that four FT members can’t out DPS a Pred taking two shots against everyone?