Predator still OP after patch 2.0

In regards to a Pred setting off Alarms I see it as setting up a situation to observe the prey, the AI will weed out the weak, and those who survive the AI are the worthy of the hunt, lol. It’s a matter of perspective. I see it as strategy but I can still see people using just as a distraction so they can get an easy kill while the FT is too focused on AI especially with the damage buff. I mean if I was RPing a ninja and my only concern was completing my mission efficiently than yes I would totally cause an AI riot to distract and weaken the enemy while I ambush them from behind. As a supposed hunter with an honor code? Not so much.

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Regardless if the sentiments, the mechanic of activating alarms is there and it works fairly well. Pred should be able to use it if he chooses too. Stop limiting gameplay styles

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I agree Pred should be allowed to set off alarms, he should just be the focus of those AI until they see FT, then their focus will split.
It makes no sense for AI to run at people who are hidden in a bush, not even in the compound.

So I think it’s a valid tactic but should have slightly more of a negative for the Pred, rather then being mostly ignored after triggering it.

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Acutally true. You can be really good at playing as pred but only when you’r playing vs PS4 potatoes or middle+ team. Fight vs more or less skilled players will become really big challenge for you. You can win and you can lose BUT if you meet premade FT whose main task is to hut you…When you have no any chance. And that’s not your skill, that is just game mechanic against you. Now FT players are really stronger than predator but only because almost all game mechanics are on their side.

In other words, you said smart thing

Provide a videoclip of you playing, please, and the rest of us can judge wether this is a “Git Gud” case or not.

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Perhaps. AI should target to what they see. Im thinking that upon seeing pred, AI does not think that it’s an ET right away, but perhaps an experimenral supersoldier project of sorts. So perhaps they would expect FT to be around as well. I’d expect them to mobilize the compound and send a few units after pred to investigate. At this point pred can lead them to FT or they would eventually encounter FT as they are on the lookout and are careful and vigilant. So to simplify things, AI just goes after FT most of the time. To compensate, they can take shots at clocked pred too.

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I’m sure the AI will improve, they already have to some extent. I just wish they took the time to program some slightly differently, the ones that spawn in, so they have a goal and not just go to default kill FT.

Thats what I would like as well. Not just boosting the damage, but making AI tactics more formidable. My imagination is a bit lacking right now as to how to do that exactly, but at some point ideas will surface


Predator is only good against PUGs w/o comms.
A good FT on comms turns the match into a fox hunt and the predator is the fox.

Personally, I think I’m the Fox and he’s a rabbit, bunny hopping away. 😊

tú como siempre buscando defectos en los demás cuando todos sabemos que eres un hacker y utilizas programa wallhack y aim-bot [quote=“Thunder-Cats, post:22, topic:18120”]
@ Sharpy_47b @Arrow_calis @JelouGaming @ADIsnap @Finessology todos los tramposos confirmados
solamente eres basura al igual que tu madre una prostituta que se ganó su lugar entre los narcotraficantes de su país es una vagabunda prepago


Here I go aimbotting again


Good, Predator is meant to be op, look at the other movies beside Predator 2018, those predators were able to wipe people out without a scratch, until they got cocky, the new movie however turned an a predator into a genetic hybrid that still got his ass kicked, predators are superior to humans, and always will be, they are meant to be tough to beat

Well, here’s a thing. And here’s another even more convincing thing.

This place is so toxic I feel like I’ll turn into a clown prince of crime any second.

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dude this was 4 months ago. after last patch everyone knows you can 1v1 most preds

then again. you can 1v1 most preds because most preds (like the 1 on my video) are really stupid.

The vast majority of times that doesn’t happen. But I am glad you can 1v1 melee spammers. It was so stupid that any pred, regardless of skill, could jump in and slash everyone in a few seconds no matter how much you shot at it.


You know that was a joke forum you are pulling from right? It was meant to be sarcasm because they get told that all the time when they are not.