Predator still weak against good FTs

The players have the wrong opinion about the balance and the fault is the cross-platform, because playing on PS4 against PC players is always more difficult, because PC player’s aiming better and there’s nothing you can do about it. For example, PS4 players always run in a straight line like a train, and this is the reason why it is easy to shot him … etc.

I would add sitting 1 foot from a high resolution monitor makes it a lot easier to see the opponent than on a TV with PS4 resolution.


This exactly. My monitor is high end and large and I can see the Pred really easily even at distance. I know some people have to think I’m hacking because I can see them coming through the trees from a very long distance. In fact I usually let them come in and settle in to start planning their attack, maybe even let them get a shot off, and then I shoot them in the head and spot them out.

That is usually enough to put them at a disadvantage or make them panic and start making mistakes. Oddly enough many choose that point to run in and try and attack in close.

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Wait are you saying that they split up in order to have one member do the mission and the other 3 hunt you?

So I understand your predicament and there are valid points in this but I do think you are fundamentally misunderstanding certain elements of all these variables.

So the whole Fireteam is waiting for you first. Well if you catch them out in the jungle they are at an immediate disadvantage and this is something that you overlooked as well with the mechanics of the game. Spotting a Predator running cloaked through dense brush and leaping through leaves and over hills and down and around all that, granted they do so reasonably intelligently, is no meager task. They may have four sets of eyes and the cloak’s distortion alone might not be enough to hide you on the move but combine that with manipulating even just slight natural slopes with dense bushes and such can effectively give you the same effect as if you were totally invisible. And their own spotting can be used against them to lead their eyes in one direction and once it expires double back or take some random other obscure route to reposition elsewhere entirely since it does notify you that you are spotted and when it ends.

Then if they are at an outpost or just arriving there this gives you a chance to even the playing fields with decoys, traps and motion sensors, tools that would otherwise be inconsequential out in the sticks. You may not be able to hide your movements quite as easily but instead of bushes and slopes and hills you now have buildings you can weave in and out of and around with brush along the outside. And this is where another huge mechanic you overlooked comes into play. The Predator has a third person camera angle. This can be applied out in the wilderness but it is also quite pronounced here because now you can see them around walls before they even have a chance to spot you. And this even applies to when you are healing. Yesterday I had a match where a Fireteam did a number on me as I killed one of their guys. Not only did I see them coming in my direction because of my motion sensors while I was healing but I positioned myself behind a rock in such a way that I had third person LOS of two of the exit points of the outpost they could take to reach me, was able to see them coming and cancel my heal, net the first sorry son of a bitch, smash, pound and execute him before his buddies had scarce time to react even as they were close behind. Now they could certainly have done it better by sticking close together but it wouldn’t have mattered and might have even made it easier on me since it was not exactly a spacious little pocket they could split apart in to avoid a leap smash that would cripple them.

So with your second point… I agree a little bit but if you have enough health to just run in and destroy a Fireteam in a straight up brawl then you’ve traded one problem for another. I think the health is largely fine, it allows you a decent bit of damage you can take but isn’t ridiculous. You still have to play smart. This is more an issue of meta honestly. If a Fireteam is able to maintain sustained fire with effect upon you then it is kind of on you to break the engagement or do so more evasively. If you have to jump in to the middle of a good Fireteam covering each other you aren’t without options. For example if you jump in and go for a melee strike or two against a Fireteam member but then disengage and start moving that often throws them off because most Fireteams are used to a Predator in melee focusing down one target. If you are constantly moving and shifting targets that minimizes a lot of the damage even with good aim, allows you to apply pressure, do some damage yourself and make it difficult for them to get a read on you and what you are gonna do next. Sometimes even just poking one guy that strayed a hair away but then leaping off can cause them to empty half a clip and only graze you as an overreaction expecting a stronger push than they got. A lot of poking and prodding, hit and runs and harassment can go a long way. And in doing all this you are applying continuous pressure and that can compromise their ability to function effectively as a coordinated unit and create more windows of opportunity whether by starting to get frustrated and lose composure even slightly or just by draining their health and ammo and starving them.

If they run you down when you are hurt… you can easily use that to your advantage. Drag them as far from their objective, or their lone member working on the objective, until you are reasonably safe and recover or even lay an ambush for them to apply some counter pressure. The last thing a lot of these good Fireteams expect from a wounded Predator is aggression and you could potentially either force them off with a down of one of them and use up more supplies and ammunition or a pick up a kill or two and shift the entire balance of the game and now suddenly they thought they had you on the run but now they are scrambling to reinforce, in full retreat. I have been personally chased, not as much lately but have had more than my fair share, and caught them off guard or pulled them off into a hugely disadvantageous environment for them to fight me in without enough time to get out of that situation as I healed before I was upon them and turned it to my favor.

But… if a Fireteam is able to keep it together with all those factors from a good Predator or even a decent one and pull through with a win… that is because they earned it. Not because the mechanics of the game handed it to them but they were able to keep a level head and keep focused and organized to weather the storm and they deserve at least a reasonable shot of doing so without just getting rolled over. And I know that isn’t what you are advocating for by any stretch but a good Fireteam is a good Fireteam largely because they are good. Now there is a lot of issues with the game’s mechanics and you touched on that with the AI and such but most of the criticisms were largely trying to replace meta with mechanics and that doesn’t usually pan out very well.


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What the fuck? Lol. How do those even go together? XD

Exatly, all people in this forum actin like they are all God player, the best in the world and what they doing is the best option every time. Most of people are mediocre even pc players. Learning to play as pred with tactics and good range pressure is harder than FT, it’s obv that most people struggle with pred and win with ft if they are coming from other fps game.

Play as FT still more easy then Pred


So much respect for this post right now, you have nailed everything down right here.

I have said this before, I feel like there are some much needed buffs to the pred for the low to mid tier play but when you have a good FT and a good pred having a slogging match its one of the best feelings in this game…

I agree about feelings. When I was playing against those guys that was really interesting. But, as I said before, predator is useless against really good fireteam. You can be good player, but you can’t win if game doesn’t allow you to do it. I killed their one guy only one time but they still were able to beat me so easy…
People that know what should they do just smashing predator

I see where you are coming from but its all a matter of perspective, in theory a draw would technically be the FT escaping, neither side got the kill but neither side died.

I think Preds believe that its a loss of the FT escapes, that is definitely not the case, I think Illfonic try to make a middle ground so that the FT doesnt always feel abused by an OP pred (we know its not but if every game ended in a Pred win it would get boring, much in the same for FT). So if you do get a claim on these worthy opponents then it is an honour (I am not saying you should just accept it just think of how you can counter play another team like that in the future).

Just imagine the Pred roar at the end when FT escapes is like “you better watch your ass next time because your skulls are coming with me”

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I think the biggest issue honestly is length of game play. Lately I have been facing a lot of super coordinated Fireteams and my only issue is that I am racing against time. Because I can recognize quickly that these guys are rushing objectives hard and they can finish it quite quickly without using much of their supplies no less. Now I will still run through to trigger alarms outright and buys me a little time but ultimately I have to push them quite hard and be constantly downing and bruising. And that is all fine but then the glitches complicate things as well. Something as simple as a leap smash where it bugs and forces you to swing in place before into the animation to recover is a momentary delay that can cost you your ass. I have gotten glitched while attacking a guy that got split off from his group and could only walk and literally had to jump and rely on the lunge of my claws to reach him and to my credit downed him but couldn’t claim and was stuck like that for about 10 seconds and nearly died for it. The stamina regen literally got me killed earlier today because I had zero stamina and couldn’t disengage before I realized it wasn’t regenerating.

With low to mid tier Fireteams as a good Predators you can usually survive these glitches but not against a good Fireteam and even when you do it comes at a heavy cost because you have either lost mobility for an extended period, lost out on health or kills, taken exponentially more damage than you should have and more all simply because these bugs punished you for being aggressive but you don’t necessarily always have time to do so if you can’t break their coordination and composure. Those are far larger issues than what is outlined here and even just the mission length and difficulty, even with a separate like Hard mode, it would be a totally different story even with those glitches. And even with those, facing a lot of good and even try hard Fireteams that covered their asses very well and shot my mask off in three of them I still was able to take most these Fireteams out. With a belly full of vodka. It was a pain in the ass but the only part that was frustrating was taking unnecessary damage because the game bugged me out.

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I think the biggest obstacles Predators face is time and the fucking bugs and mostly at higher levels. If I get the slam bug where it delays my recovery for a second or two before it goes into the animation to free me up to move at lower levels it’s not a big deal. If that happens against a good Fireteam even if I hit all of them… I am taking a pounding harder than a triple cunted hooker on the day the troops come home. And most good Fireteams more or less try to ignore the Predator and get the mission done to force him to rush all out at the exfil or some point through the mission and so many mission essentially allow them to just turtle up in one or two buildings sometimes too and that can be difficult to break. So I agree that there are issues and they need to be dealt with. But it gets to be a precarious affair of trying to balance without going too far and you can still deal with it. It’s just harder and sometimes frustrating.

that’s absolute true, i had 100% same experience when pc fireteam is coordinated and i have ZERO chances even to get close to them, they hear me from wherever i am and spam then they just follow till the end of map.

Pred must be buffed and if the random fireteam doesn’t use voice chat and coordinate with each other it’s their problem.

Slowering movement speed and stamina recovering for FT may solve something.

Without any changes the wish to play the game is desappearing.

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agreed man

Good preds will down at least one person at range then either finish them or bait out more FT. Only dummies will try and out parry a soldier.

Sure, and that pred will likely get a 50cal sniper round in the face a few times, while the FT literally side steps his slow ass ranged projectiles.

Sometimes it works though, but point is, why should pred melee (arguably half their options) be totally useless. Not even useless, but actively most of the time get them killed.

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yep, you’d be surprised how heartless these humans are, using 1 guy dying on the ground as bait to shoot off our made in china masks. Just saying, be takin me a few years to pull this guy’s skull out lol; gimme a sec to activate my net gun to net ya

if your having problems winning as the predator might i suggest this build.

did some testing that slam deals full damage any where in the blast area that inclues throw walls it also deals 95 points of Damage if you dont use the perk that gives you more engry if you do its 99 and if your low on engry like less or at 5% it goes as low as 81 damage and it works of a % system form 5% up too 100% so thats how you gage how much damage your dealing, the thing has a 12 foot long blast range that works in a bubble shape and its Proxxy so as long as their with in that 12 feet it doesnt matter how many walls are between you and him the damage is base souly on how much engry you have.

Enjoy that little pice of info guys happy wrecking ;)

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