Predators Dancing idea

The Dickhead complex is fun to see XD


Ok…let me explain this you are saying I play Fortnite because of this post. I say no I just linked Predators dancing. You then say I was playing the victim card and I called you a Dick.

You get it now?

I wasn’t even talking to you. LMAO that’s why its a victim complex, because you have a victim complex. Noones playing any cards, your personality seeks to be a victim. It defines you.

Fortnite is not the only game that has dancing lol…

Most notably MK11, where instead of a fatality it is a “friendship” dance

I personally would not mind this

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Then who were you replying to? Dumb ass if you reply on this Thread its basically a reply to me

Well at least someone is Pro Predator dance

No don’t do shit like this

I dont think you understand. I’d love this.

Some times I chuck ambiguous quippy one liners out there for my fans, reading at home.

I just faced palmed man…lets end this I don’t

I face palmed seeing that…lets end this cause lets face it, this just got stupid

I’m not sure… its been stupid for atleast 26 posts now.

If you hate the thread then go to a different one

I like this one o.O

How are you doing tonight?

Uhh…I’m doing ok

Been better :o

Then go back to Fortnite because there won’t be any dancing Predators here. Move along.

Don’t have Fortnite just Apex Legends

I wouldn’t mind this as a easter egg or what not.