PSA about Live Streaming: How does this affect everyone?

Easy question for all you PS streamers:

  1. How do i know if I’m being streamed by someone in the match?
    Answer: You can’t know if they are streaming.

  2. Are all people in the the match notified that they are being streamed and do i need their consent?
    Answer: no (members who did not join the party are not notified- these are the public match players).

  3. Do private party Streamers ever match make with public players or is that not even possible?
    Answer: Yes (These public match players are not notified that they their game is being streamed, only the private party members are. This also means that those who are not notified will see a significant increase in their upload bandwidth being used).

  4. Is it usually 1 person that streams, or can there be 2/3/4 simulcasts all at once?
    Answer: They (the streamer) can broadcast (stream, upload via each players internet connection) all the players onto a cloud server to which the game video will render to.
    That means that your next game might be taken over by a stream and your bandwidth might be taken advantage of.

  5. Can Playstation streamers stream PC players as well? and vice versa?

  6. Can PC/Playstation players alike turn off the streaming service?

I think the issue right now is Playstation Nows streaming service and not any other services like Twitch App.

I’m sending this message out to the forums to see what is currently possible and if we can clarify any issues that might affect the quality and performance of your game.
I’m also trying to find evidence that streamed games are affecting the performance of players who don’t know that they are being live streamed. Hense, all the complaints made by streamers who specifically see freezing both streaming and non-streaming. A phenomenon only seen by PS players currently.

Freezing should not be confused with the poping of locations in game which seems to happen when ping times are unusually high. My hypothesis is that the freezing has something to do with the overloading of memory (harddrive or otherwise) on the playstation hardware which causes a freeze frame of several seconds.

If you have any suggestions please feel free to share, it would help a lot!

Thank you all for your help in advance!

Quote taken from
If you’re streaming live video at a resolution of 720p, at 30 frames per second, you will upload up to 4,160 kilobits of data per second. So having an upload bandwidth of around 4 Mbps should cover you, right?

Not quite right. You will need to upload up to 4,160 kilobits of data per second constantly. Because these speeds fluctuate, it’s generally a good idea to have a 35% to 40% buffer . That puts us at an upload rate of around 5,700 kilobits per second, or 5.7 Mbps. However, if you are sure your internet connection is stable, such a buffer might not be needed. Remember, a stable connection is as important as an upload speed!

@Courier @OldKingHamlet

I like Turtles.


You can’t know if they are streaming.

You can check a box that blocks your voice from being streamed in your PlayStation settings.

You’ve probably consented to being streamed in the PlayStation terms and conditions.

Streamers can and do play public matches.


They can broadcast all those who are in the game, in addition, the players of the party of the one who is broadcasting only are notified, they can disconnect the permissions so that their voice is not heard speaking with the one who broadcasts. Whoever is not at the party is not notified in any way


Thanks guys! I’ve updated the original post. Added some more questions if you can read it sometime thanks!