Ok yeah change it up. I again say, unless he gets a down there’s not much he can take advantage of

Think about our one game we had. I couldn’t just blitz you, that would not have worked. I got your 2 kinda new guy teammates down and then blitzing you is just fine. But if all 4 ft members are good, getting that first down, regardless of tactics, is difficult

my friends and I all had aks. We killed a predator in under 3 sec as he missed his slam. Didnt have enough time to even push his wrist device. Were talking straight up 3 sec giving us a sexy pose

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Lol xD

Then that’s his fault for missing a Slam, and also unfortunate for him as well as you had Tri-AKs.

Use your tools 😂

In all fairness slam is only good against one person at a time anyways (or boost lords😂)

Oh ya my grappling hook!

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Its pretty impossible to lose… due to a lot of mechanics involved with healing. I for one think all FT members can only have one syringe. Predator can only have 1 as well

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That’s why for the Tournament, there’s only one guy running Ammo and Health Packs, and that’s the guy running Support or others if you’re mad lads.

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that healing starts adding up. 175 175 175 175 for a suppt… rediculous when the most constant dmg is the plasma and does roughly 120 on direct hit with downrange. If they have owl training. I dont know the number on the pistol… i would assume its 30 to 35 dmg / hit

Sooo. Low key this is a good idea lol

Dude if pred was stronger, it would open up a world of possibilities for ft gear.

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As for Pred and FT blitzing whoever and stuff like that, with our current Tournament settings, we have strived to structure it in a way that will emphasize victory with your brains and brawn. Game Knowlege and Skill. That’s how I see it anyway.



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That doesn’t even make sense. No tournament allows this, not even COD. Restrictions are apart of every tournament or any type of competitive mode for any game. Just clearing that up.

I get that you and your team don’t want to participate that’s cool. We’re just trying to bring more life to a game we enjoy and give the community something to look forward to.


All kind of one shot mechanics are overpower and unskilled, it’s fine that there isn’t any more the possibility to one shot a fireteam. What is wrong with the game is the unlimited sustaine that both sides have. Too many pigs on the map, and too many med packs and syringes.

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That’s not true either plenty of games do have or had unrestricted tournament play based on the in game ranked experience StarCraft 2 Wow arena championship league of legends counter strike overwatch street fighter 3-5 and mortal Kombat 9-11 fuckin Foe Honor allowed fucking gameplay exploits like double hits and SSB Melee allowed wavedashing

Plenty of games do man maybe you just don’t play em or watch em I certainly do I’m not trying to be a troll I’m just an asshole when I represent my opinions

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Wtf FT balance experts here told me 4x AK & LMG supports with medkits and ammo bags is fine and should function at the highest levels of play because pred is op and can jump and they miss!?!

Lmao destroyed. Beat me to it the fucking wavedashing even

This is actually funny af when they die through second wind faster than they can react OR even arm the bomb.
The TTK on the pred is literal seconds with people coordinating shots the game just doesn’t work competitively unless you start banning FT’s heals, loadouts, and most of the guns that have solo kill potential on the pred. Pigs etc don’t matter if pred gets a 30 sec engagement before he’s taken too much damage while the other team is instantly healing after taking hits, can’t win trade if they can aim.

Maybe restrict everyone to minigun recons and 1 syringe.