Rubberbanding even with low pings? Due to Class? ACG?

Anyone else experiencing occasionalrubber banding on good connections? less than 20 ms pings?

I was using a rec class sniper spec…armed with an acg.
It reset my loadout.

Update incoming!!

Brace for Gudness!!

Its bizarre, i haven’t experience rubber banding like this since launch. or i guess before a big update. so maybe they are testing shit out on the servers?

They have to be since there is an update this month

I don’t believe you. You’re a PC player, nothing bad can happen on PC you told me so.

I know right?! How many times have i complained? once int he last 1 year or so? The last time a ps player complained was like every 5 minutes everyday about things that aren’t even bugs!!

I’ve never complained though except for that one time when I thought I did but I was wrong.

Ping issues are usually related to ISP, home router and is specially a problem over wireless connection.

Many console players use wifi and I believe that may be the reason why we so frequently get so many console disconnections or flat out full match crashes

How about rubber banding? I noted i had really low pings (included all the players too! 0ms pings even).
But ok, im guess one of the servers acting up.

What’s your Max Framerate set at in Options > Graphics?
Try reducing it if you have 90 or above.

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Nope, ive always had it capped at 60fps.
I’ve been noticing now only small stuff like jumping having some rough rubber banding. It’s peculiar. Not so much dramatic rubber banding as say being on top of a building and suddenly being at the bottom without even walking or running in that direction of the ledge (as ive experienced in a match today- same match that had the dramatic rubber banding).
So what ever it is has to do with actual geolocation of the players.

Ill drum it up to a server glitch (sony/epic or steam).

whenever I play privates and I die, I usually see the other players 3rd person view stuttering. Pretty sure is a ping related issue, not sure if that’s how you achieve rubber banding

Yep, again. just now i had 100-80ms another person, 80ms, the rest were below 10 and i was experiencing some terrible rubbers.

My connection to internet is really good. 1 ms ping jitter. So this got to be a game server issue.

FYI, when i threw a the ACG it wiggled in the air (like left to right, bugged out) before it hit the ground.
I then left the match.
Then the game immediately removed my knife and my other gear from my loadout as well as changing my pistol and my primary (not sure if it is default loadout now).

I played a new game with those defaults and when i actually finished the match it removed all my gears. This is my Recon (sniper) class.